Chapter 6

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We broke eye contact when we thought we heard someone coming, but it turned out to be no one.

"I'm going to go downstairs" Colby said

"Okay, I will come down soon" I said

That has never happened with Colby and I, I wondered if he felt the same way I did?

About 5 minutes after Colby went downstairs,I went downstairs too. I looked down in the living room and Sam,Colby,and Kat where sitting on the couch.

I walked down the steps and went over the the living room. I saw there was a spot next to Colby and decided to go sit next to him. I put my feet up on the ottoman, and grabbed a pillow.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Sam asked

"Sure" I said

Sam and Kat picked the movie, I had no clue what the name of the movie was or what it was about. I watched not even half of the movie before falling asleep.

I woke up, but I didn't open my eye's yet. I moved my legs around and I realized someone covered me with a blanket so I wouldn't get cold. Then I moved my head a little bit and realized that I didn't have my head on the pillow I grabbed before I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes slightly and looked around, all of the lights were off except a little lamp. I finally decided to sit up, I was laying on Colby. He was asleep too, I decided to just stay on the couch with Colby instead of going up to my room.

I layed back down right next to him, so I wouldn't wake him up, and went back to sleep.

(4:30 am)

I woke up and slightly stretched so I wouldn't wake up Colby. But when I slightly opened my eyes, I saw that the tv was on so I knew he was awake. He didn't know I was awake yet, so I decided to turn over onto my other side so my head would be laying on his chest.

I felt lift his arm up and move me back farther, so I wouldn't fall off the couch. It was only 4:30 so I decided to go to asleep again.


I heard someone talking, which woke me up. I still layed there with my eye shut because didn't feel like getting up.

"You guys are still down here" Sam said

"Yeah, but Addison is still asleep,so try to not be loud" Colby said

"Is she still alive? She's in the same spot from when I left her" Sam said

"I think she's fine" Colby said

After sitting in the same spot for 5 more minutes, I decided I should get up. I moved around a little bit to see if Colby would know if I was awake.

"Good morning sleepy head" Colby said

"Good morning" I said sitting up

I got up from the couch and went upstairs. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I took off my sweatshirt and wore the short lace bralette that was under my sweatshirt. I've worn it out in public before, so I figured it's fine in the house.

I went back downstairs and into the kitchen where Sam and Colby were.

"how are you today?" Sam asked me

"Good, today is the first day I've actually felt that way" I said

"That's good" Sam said

Sam and Colby were eating some cheerios for breakfast, and I decided I wanted some. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cheerios and milk.

I took out my phone, and looked through all my emails. I emailed my manager at Victoria's secret in the car coming to LA, and told her that I will be in LA for a month or so, and she finally email back and said that they have a care package for me at the mall. I had to model it within the next 2 weeks.

I got down to reading the bottom of the email, and I was shocked. I got promoted, that hasn't happened since I started modeling. They want me to do runway and commercial modeling.
I've never done commercial modeling, but I've done runway probably twice, and I'm so excited.

"What are you looking at" Sam asked

"A email, here read this." I said handing him my phone

He took the phone from my hand, and started to read the email. Colby stared over Sam shoulder, and also read the email.

"Wow, that's amazing" Sam said handing me my phone

"Yeah,I have to go to the mall to pick up a package" I said

"When do you want to go?" Colby asked

" I don't know, probably soon because I have to goes somewhere to take pictures." I said

Sam and colby both nodded. I dumped out the rest of my cereal in the sink, and went back upstairs to get ready.

(The outfit)

I put a little bit of makeup on, and straightened my hair so it wasn't frizzy

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I put a little bit of makeup on, and straightened my hair so it wasn't frizzy.

I walked back downstairs and I was waiting for Colby to get ready. I was waiting for about 5 minutes, then I went back upstairs to go get him.

I got to his door and knocked on it.

"Come in" Colby said

I walked into his room and noticed he was in his bathroom. I went over to his bed and layed on my stomach. He walked out of the bathroom with no shirt on and went over to his closet.

I tried not to stare, but he wasn't looking at me anyway.

"You ready" I asked Colby

"Yeah" he said

I turned around to get off of the bed, and Colby put his hand put to help me off the bed. I grabbed his and he pulled me off the bed.

We walked downstairs together, and I told Sam we would be back soon. We got into the car and started driving to the mall.

Losing someone you loved [Cb] And [Traphouse]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora