Final Breathe

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My mother was dying. She had been for a couple of years now.

Diagnosed with a unfamiliar cancer that no doctor in any surrounding packs got miles had heard of. But she wasn't the first to die, her wolf was. That day I saw the light leave her eyes. It was almost as if half of her soul was already gone.

Year after year of trying new treatments, medicines and potions we still weren't anywhere closer to finding a cure.

I even went as far as bidding witches out of enemy cells in hope they knew something about my mothers condition that the endless amount of pack doctors might've missed.

all my efforts had been proven futile till My mother, our Luna forbid me from searching for any more cures. She didn't want her last couple of months on earth watching me run myself mad, trying to stop the inevitable. And as much as I hated it, I knew she was right.
There was nothing I could do. No more potions to try, no more witches to hunt down. I had ran out of options and time.

Since 2 months ago when I finalky accepted it all I did was work. I thought that if I busied myself with work, spending long nights nose deep in paper work, and fixing pack problems, that somehow I could escape reality.

I even went as far as to convince myself that I was just getting ready to take on both Luna and Alpha roles of the pack. Anything to keep my mind sane.

Quickly wiping my tears with the back of my hand and trying to pull myself together, at least enough to face my pack, I stood up.

"Let's go". It didn't come out as strong as I hoped, but it would have to do for now.

Swiftly passing Neema, I made my way to the pack doctor, which was on the other side of our pack territory. I made sure to avoid the path that I knew Lina and her pack mates occasionally played on. I knew I couldn't face her yet.

How was I suppose to look her in her eyes and tell her our mother was dying, and she was stuck with a sorry excuse of a sister.  She was to young to lose her mother, and I was too fucked up to even come close to replacing her, but I would try my best. Goddess knew she at least deserved that.

As we got closer, each step became heavier and heavier. I felt Neema put her hand on the small of my back, drawing circles with her thumb, in a comforting manner, giving me the best smile she could muster up.

Her comfort was probably the only thing keeping my legs from buckling from under me right now, though I'd never tell her that. She had enough problems of her own to worry about her Alpha. I wouldn't add any of my baggage to her problems.

As we walked up, I saw the pack doctor Tris, standing in front of the door. She wore a sympathetic expression, as she moved aside to let me in. 

The same expression of been getting from all my pack members for the last couple of weeks. The "We all know Luna doesn't have much time left" pitiful expressions. I knew they were genuine but it didn't make it anymore unbearable.

"She's in the last room all the way to the back on the right.  I'm so sorry I couldn't do more Alpha, but I've done everything I could to make her comfortable." She said, and I didn't fail to miss the slight pain in her shaky voice.

I wasn't the only that would be mourning my mothers death. He whole pack would feel this one harshly.

I slightly nodded as I walked past her not wanting to meet her eyes and see that all too familiar look of pity, one I had been avoiding since my mothers health deteriorated. Just another sign that this was all real. Not a bad dream, not my mind playing sick games with me.

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