Hey whatcha you two talking about.

Start from the beginning

"Hey Ash, I wanna find Val and Kings."

"Yea sure Ej let's go."

"Bye." Elara exclaimed, waving goodbye to Isaiah. She held on tight to Ash as the alcohol she just drank kicked in. It was like her 4th or 5th drink. She was very drunk. Elara didn't look in the right state of mind. The mix of alcohol and second hand high never went well together. And for someone like Elara who doesn't party as often it hit harder.

"Elara you shouldn't talk to him."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you shouldn't be talking to Isaiah." Ashtray repeated himself. He knew he sounded controlling, he knew that she wouldn't listen because that's how she is. They were walking close together hand and hand trying to find Valerie.

"Ashtray O'Neill you do not control me."

"I'm not saying I do Elara Jean."

"So you can't tell me what I can or cannot do." She looked him dead in the eye, the frustration can be heard in her voice as he looked at her lips then back to her eyes. He put his other hand in a fist starring her dead in the eyes, he would never hurt her. He knew that, he knew he could never lay a hand on any girl, let alone Elara. He let his nails dig in his skin as if that was stopping him from saying something stupid to the drunk girl.

"El, I know that but I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back to him." He said in calm tone in her ear because of how loud it was. She immediately answered the boy, "I don't care what you think Ashtray, I can make my own decisions", their faces were so close she felt Ashtray's breath get heavier as the words left her mouth, "And how would you know what is good for me Ashtray, do you know who you are? What you used to do? You used to deal drugs to people like my mom and your mom. Plus you don't even know him and you barely know me." Just as she finished her sentence Valerie and Kingsley caught up with the pair.

"There you guys are, its pretty late now you ready to get going." All Ashtray did was walk away. He didn't respond he just walked away. Elara looked at him, the way he walked, the way his hand was still in a fist and once he let go she could she the blood trickling down the palm of his. She felt bad. She knew she didn't mean what she said, but she was to drunk to actually process anything going on around her. All she knew was she was mad. She was mad that Ashtray thinks he could control everything she does.

"What's his problem?" Kingsley asked the drunk girl.

"Um..I don't know Kings"

"Elara Jean what happened?" Val spoke up, Val liked Ash. Not like that of course but she got pretty close with him and didn't want something that happened between him and El to mess with everyone's friendship with him. Including Elara.

"I'll tell you later Val." With that she walked out the door of the party and tried finding Ash. A part of her hoped she would have a minute to talk to him about their conversation. "I called Fez he's gonna come pick us up." A voice said from behind her. She knew it was him.

"Ash." Before the girl could continue he spoke up, "Elara don't your drunk and I don't wanna talk to you right now about anything." Anyone could hear the anger in is words. Elara just looked down at her feet, playing with her rings as Val and Kingsley came over. Not long after Fez finally pulled up next to the curb they all sat at.

time skip

"Elara your dad and brother went to the next town over so Leo is with us, your more then welcome to stay over as well." Fez said as they finally pulled in their drive after dropping Valerie off, along with Kingsley. Ashtray got out the car slamming the door. The whole car ride was complete silence. Fez noticed the hostility between the two but decided to stay out of it. "So how was the party?" Fez said, as he got out the car, trying his best to break the tension. Ashtray just walked in house leaving Elara and Fez alone. "It was okay Fez, it could have been better." Elara was about to walk away when Fez spoke up.

"El what happened?"

"Fez really it's not that important."

"It is if my little brother just slammed my car door the way he did" Fez continued talking, "And Elara I don't want you to go home in this state I'll let your dad know your sleeping here, I rather you not be alone when you this drunk." Elara knew he was right. She shouldn't be this alone.. But in this moment she didn't care enough.

"Fez, I fucked up" Elara choked out as the tears flowed from her eyes. Fez pulled her into a tight hug as she cried into his chest.

"El tell me what happened please."

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, but I need to speak to Ash tomorrow. For now I'll go home and sleep." Elara spoke, Fez knew she shouldn't be alone like this but she was persistent. "Fine, but I'm gonna tell Lexi that she should stay with you whether you like it or not." Fez wasn't gonna let Elara do anything stupid. And the fact she's drunk, she could get sick in the middle of the night and have no one to help her.

"I changed my mind Elara you need to stay here." Fez said as the image of the 15year old girl laying in bed sick, alone, and scared played in his head. He cared a lot for the girl and her family. "No Fez-." A different voice cut her off though, "Elara get in the house I'm not letting you stay alone." Ashtray spoke standing at the front door. Elara didn't move though. It through her off guard to hear his voice for some reason. But after a few seconds she snapped back into reality and let Fez help her walk up the stairs.

say you won't let go (ashtray x oc)Where stories live. Discover now