He leaned down and was about to wash the liquid off of his face until he got bumped by something he breathed in deeply but when there didn't even came an apology he completely lost it.

San turned around and grabbed the person by the collar before slamming them against the wall "You better apologise or I-" he paused noticing the blonde hair this was the same boy that caused such a mess back there.

He looked down at the male and got caught by surprise from the boys beauty , his deep brown eyes , the sharp but somehow soft jawline , the plushy pink lips , his perfect nose and not to forget the small mole under his eye on top of that his cheeks were red which made him look even better.

The boy in front of him was so perfect god definitely took a lot of time to make him.

Wooyoung was drunk he didn't even realised he had been in the restroom until he felt his back hit something hard , he looked up at the male in front of him and tried to make him let go by placing his hands on the males arms.

San who was still caught in the boys beauty and just couldn't stop staring but as soon as he felt some cold hands on his arms he looked down at them but still didn't let go of him.

"You made someone spill their drink on me" he said and Wooyoung glared at the male in front of him "So what do you think I care!" He raised his voice and this pissed San off so he pressed him against the wall "You better apologise brat" he said.

The blonde haired boy rolled his eyes never would he apologise to him "In your dreams" he said and tried to push the male in front of him away but it seemed impossible as if a mountain was in front of him right now he couldn't even move him a little.

A small smirk appeared on Sans lips the way he talked back to him definitely caught his interest , people never talk back to San , raise their voice or anything like that so when someone finally did it , it simply interested him a lot.

San was about to say something cocky but stopped as he heard someone storm into the bathroom , a tall male with an angry facial expression. San turned his head as he felt the boy in front of him shake , he basically tried to hide but why? Was it because of this man.

The CEO didn't hesitate to cover the blonde haired boy completely and leaned down making it seem as they were kissing , his plan behind this was to get the man to leave the restroom and he actually did so when San was sure he left he straightened up himself eventually letting go off Wooyoung who still seemed scared.

"Don't tell me you bumped into that guy as well?" He asked sarcastically with a chuckle. Wooyoung pushed the man off "Asshole" he said and made his way to the door stumbling there but got stopped by a firm grip.

San pulled the boy back and glanced down at him "You're so unthankful I think I just should go out and tell that guy you're here" as soon as San said that Wooyoung shook his head and looked up at the male with begging eyes.

The older had to admit that he enjoyed this reaction more than he should but he really wasn't that cruel well he wanted to be because actually he was , he was cruel but somehow he just couldn't manage himself to be like he usually was.

San was wondered what had gotten into himself why was he being like that , he still hasn't forget about earlier so he let go of the boy and headed towards the door "You better try and leave he will probably be here instantly" he said and almost tripped as he felt something dragging him down by the waist.

It was a trembling Wooyoung who had his arms wrapped around the olders waist tightly "P-please don't do this" he begged the male with big eyes.

San turned around and looked down into the boys eyes who was now on his knees , wooyoung looked back into the olders eyes it was as if San was lost in the blonde boys eyes and this was the moment that made a click in his mind.

San lifted his hand and moved some of the boys hair out of his face , putting it behind his ear and he just couldn't stop looking into the boys eyes what the hell has gotten into you San thought.

"I can do anything you want" and that's when San snapped back into reality "What?" he asked him and Wooyoung repeated himself "I can do things...for you if you don't get him" he said.

San looked down at him and traced his finger down the boys jawline and it send chills down his spine he had such a soft skin "Tell me why you're so scared of him" he said.

Wooyoung looked up at the male confused , why would he ask him that he wondered but the boy honestly was too drunk to overthink this "He wants money ... money I don't have and-... and since I don't have it he wants to hurt me" he said.

San sighed he slowly made the boy unwrap his arms from his waist and helped him up "You know what let's get you home first" he said before walking out of the restroom holding the boy by having his arm wrapped around his waist so he wouldn't fall.

Wooyoung followed the man it wasn't like he had any other option , he wasn't even able to walk properly or steady himself up.

Once they were out of the restroom the bartender soon had made his way to San "Oh you're back , again I'm so sorry for what happened" he said and honestly the male annoyed San a lot.

San breathed deeply until he had enough , the bartender really had gotten on his nerves "You're so annoying can't you shut up!" he snapped and was about to walk off but stopped.

He looked over to his side and widened his eyes where was the blonde haired boy and how the hell is he only noticing now that he's not next to him anymore. San quickly looked around and tried to find him but there was no sight of him.

He quickly left the bar and looked outside for him but again there was absolutely no sight of that blonde haired boy , it was as if he was engulfed in the earth.

San moved his hand through his hair and breathed deeply , how could this happen he didn't even got to know his name.

The CEO had came to the bar for weeks almost every single day hoping to find the boy but there was no sight of him which frustrated San a lot he kept seeing the boy there wasn't one moment he hasn't thought about him but sadly even months had passed and he still didn't found him.

San even turned this crazy over the boy that he hired someone to find him and he didn't cared how much it would cost to find that beautiful boy.

He sat down on his chair his head in his hands when he felt his phone vibrate. San leaned back in his seat and took his phone out sitting up almost instantly as he saw he received a picture with wide eyes he would be staring at it and couldn't believe who was on that picture.

It was that blonde haired boy from that night.

"Make notes where he goes and which time , keep an eye on him tell me everything you see" San texted and he couldn't hold back his excitement.

Ever since that day San has been aware of where Wooyoung was , what he was doing , he found everything out about him. San was more than happy because he had turned crazy about the fact that he wasn't able to see that handsome face again.

End of Flashback

San snapped back into reality as he heard the sound of rain falling against the window "It's your fault for bumping into me that night , it's your fault for catching my interest Wooyoung..." he said to himself.

Glorious helper ~ WoosanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ