Part 42 (Bonus): Hospitality

Start from the beginning

Tai: Yeah, and now that she's done what she did at Beacon there's going to be a huge target on her back now.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll keep her safe.

Tai: I just.. Don't want Ruby to meet the same fate as Summer... (He puts his head in his face as he hunches forward)

He wasnt crying. He was just worried.

Y/n: (Puts hand on his back) I know. I feel the same way.

Tai: I'm just worried you know? I miss her.. I don't even know what I'd do if...

I felt extremely bad. I knew he had lost 2 of his most loved. If I had lost Ruby I wouldn't I what to feel but 2? That would break someone.

Y/n: That's why I'll make sure I do everything in my power to protect her. I promise.

Tai: ...Good. Although I don't want her to... She will probably join the war against Salem.

Y/n: You're talking to me about Salem?

Tai: Qrow told me that you know about all that.

Y/n: Your worried that we will get wrapped up in it?

Tai: Well, will you?

Y/n: It depends.

Tai nodded to himself. Then looked at me.

Tai: You don't want to get mixed up in all that Y/n.

Y/n: I know. But, If my friends are going to fight then I will. If not... I'll leave her alone. (Cracks knuckles) Unless she wants to get catch some of these hands!

Tai smiled.

Tai: You've got a good heart Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks...



After a long fire later Me Ruby and Tai were at Dinner. We were having Dinner.

Ruby: Then Y/n Killed 10,000 Grimm!

Tai: Wh-Ten Thousand!?

Tai looked at me.

Y/n: U-Uh.. Y-Yes! This.. is. Yes. "What is she talking about?"

Ruby: Then after th-

We heard footsteps near the stair entrance. We looked to see Yang. She had always ate in her room and although she left to go to the bathroom or do some other things.

Tai and Ruby was surprised to see her. I wasn't. Not that I wasn't happy that Yang came down, I was but she still was quite distant to me.

Tai: Yang! It's nice to see you join us for dinner. Have a seat.

She sat down and Tai poured in a bowl of spaghetti for her.

It was silent. We must sat there I was waiting for either Ruby or Tai to make the first move.

Ruby: Hey, Yang. Haven't seen you in a while Hehe.

Yang: Yeah.

Tai: We were just talking about...

Tai didn't want To bring up Y/n because she knew Yang wouldn't want to be talking about him and didnt want to talk about something that reminded her of her severed arm.

Y/n: "Shit what are we going to talk about!? Annoying unskippable ads!? (Glances at missing arm) Bad subject! What about how to tie your shoelaces? (Glances at arm) BAD SUBJECT-"

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