Looking up I saw Main Office.

"You don't have to come with me, I'm a big girl." I told Olivia.

Olivia rolled her eyes at me and dragged us both in.

Looking around the office it looked just like the one back at my old high school. The only difference was that it was an old lady as the secretary, here it was a lady who looked fresh out of college. She didn't seem to notice our presence as she continued typing on her desktop.

Olivia nudged me so that I stood right in front of her and made a slight coughing noise to get her attention.

"Oh hi," She smiled "You must be Nora Abrams the new girl."

"That's me." I sighed humiliated. I was obviously the only new girl to come to this school this year.

I could hear Olivia's snicker in the background. I was going to kill her once we left the office.

"Here's your schedule and I don't plan on giving you a map since you and Olivia have the same schedule," She told me "If you do need anything though my name is Lisa."

"Thank you, Lisa." I said as Olivia and I exited the office.

Olivia said goodbye to Lisa then we were off to class!




"I still can't believe you said that." Meyers said as the three of us walked to a lunch table with tears in his eyes from so much laughter.

"It was so funny." Olivia laughed in agreement as the three of us sat down.

The two idiots were laughing so much that we were starting to get stares from the other students.

"It wasn't my fault that the floor was slippery." I hissed at them while taking out the lunch that mom packed me.

I hoped that me snapping at them would make them be quiet but instead they turned into laughing monkeys.

In our Chemistry class our teacher, Mr. Stine made me introduce myself in front of the class just like what all the other teachers made me do. After I introduced myself as I headed to sit down next to Meyers the floor apparently was wet so I slide all the way down the classroom. Of course being me the only thing I said was ta-da.

"When you fell and said ta-da you should have added jazz hands." Olivia cried out causing me to hear a few snickers from around the lunch hall.

"Shut up." I grumbled while taking out the cream cheese and strawberry sandwich that mom made me.

Automatically Meyers and Olivia stopped laughing and looked at my sandwich?

"Now what?" I snapped at them.

"That looks disgusting." Meyers said bluntly.

Olivia nodded her head in agreement.

"What's disgusting?" Asked a teenage guy who sat down next to Meyers with a tray in his hands.

The guy was the same height as Meyers with jet black short hair. He was fit but not heavily athletic, he was built similar to Meyers.

"Her sandwich." Meyers answered.

The guy looked at my sandwich and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm Nick." The guy said while extending his hand out to shake my his hand with mine.

"I'm Nora." I replied while shaking his hand.




Finally, we were at our last class for the day! It was also one of my personal favorite school subjects. History.

It was nice because Meyers, Olivia and Nick were also in the class. This was the only class that all of us had together. Nick was a nice guy, he was flirty but nothing that I couldn't handle.

Walking to the front of the classroom a man stood in front of us. "Welcome to History, I'll be your teacher Mr. Raymond." He looked to be in his mid-twenties not more older than us.

The class started snickering after he said that. Looking around I even saw my new three friends snickering as well.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Raymond asked while raising an eye brow toward us.

"Like hell were going to call you Mr. Raymond." Nick spoke up before continuing to snicker.

This was confusing as hell to me.

Mr. Raymond sighed in defeat before starting to write on the whiteboard.

"The hell was that about?" I whispered to Olivia.

"All of us have known him since we were younger." Whispered back Olivia.


Hearing a snap of the marker being put back on the cap my attention turned towards Mr. Raymond. On the white board was written simply Raymond.

"Better?" Mr. Raymond asked the class, causing everyone to burst out laughing but me.

After that the class seemed to go back to the way it was before Mr. Raymond walked in. Blabbing away to one another.

Mr. Raymond or I guess Raymond walked over to where the four of us were sitting with a grin on his face. Ignoring the other talkative students.

"Hey Raymond." The three of them said.

"What's up guys?" He asked while casually leaning on our desks.

"This is Nora, Nora this is Raymond." Olivia introduced us.

Raymond turned to me and smiled. "Hi." While shaking my hand.

"Hi." I said back while shaking his hand.

After chit chatting with us for a few minutes Raymond went back up to the front of the class and tried to get everyone's attention. Failing to do so he whistled really loudly.

"Do you guys want me to get fired?!" Exclaimed Raymond.

All of us shook our heads and quieted down. Raymond waited to speak until we were all seated and quiet.

"Class, I want us to pick a local history topic to study this semester," Raymond paused and looked at us. "Does anyone have an idea of which local history topic we could pick?"

He looked around the class no one spoke up. For the first time since we got in class the whole room was quiet. So quiet that you could probably hear a pencil drop on the floor.

Looking from my left to right I didn't see anyone about to raise there hand. Debating with my self for a minute I stood up from my seat.

The whole class looked at me as I spoke.

"How about Berke castle?" I suggested.


I am so sorry it took so long to update! Next chapter will be up after I get my new glasses. Right now I'm still writing with my old ones :(.

What does everyone think of Nora?

Thank you all for reading this!

Love, Kait xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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