„Oh believe me, we know you." I spoke up. Su-hyeok that was still struggling to breathe, harshly shook his head, signalizing me to stop.

Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I was so full with rage, because of what he did to Su-hyeok and On-jo. And because of what he was trying to do to Cheong-san, „You're the stupid, shitty bully, everyone fucking despises."

Yah, Princess, that's not quite nice of you, you know? The question wasn't for you. I know very well that you know me, my love. I'm asking your shit ass classmates. Do you know me, you stupid pricks?"

„It may not be nice, but it's true. You're a useless gopher that does anything for his stupid friends."

„Say that once again, and I'm gonna kill you right now." Gwi-nam warned, pointing the finger at Cheong-san as if he was a teacher, yelling at a kid for being naughty.

„You weren't a gangster, or a good student. And now, look at you. You're not a human or zombie either." Cheong-san said, pausing for a second, „No matter the time or place... you're nothing." He whispered.

The second those words left his mouth, I knew this wouldn't end well.

„I'm not just gonna kill you, no. I'm gonna gouge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. Everyone but Cheong-san can go. No, wait. Everyone but Cheong-san and Y/N can go, unless you wanna die with them."

„Don't you d-dare touch her, you son of a bitch." Su-hyeok pressed out, slowly making it back on his feet. He was under a lot of pain, you could see it.

„Su-hyeok, stop that."

„Yeah, Su-hyeok, listen to Princess right there. Sit your ass back down, unless you want me to take her with me right now." Gwi-nam warned, coming closer to us.

I tightened my grip on Su-hyeok's weak hand, pulling him behind me.

„If you want to take them, you're gonna have to take us all." Dae-su yelled, getting into a fight position. So did Cheong-san, Wu-jin and Min-ho.

„Believe me, you're all dead."

That was the last thing coming from Gwi-nam before he attacked Cheong-san and they started fighting once again.

But this time, the three boys standing behind Cheong-san also attacked Gwi-nam, trying their very best to pull the boy off of our classmate. Seeing that the three boys struggled, Ji-min also started pulling Gwi-nam away.

„Joon-yeong, hold onto Su-hyeok I'll go help them!" I commanded as Su-hyeok let out a quiet whimper, „Y/N, please stay."

„You hold onto him, I'll help." Joon-yeong stated, running to five of our classmates that were fighting off Gwi-nam.

I sat on the floor, Su-hyeok's bloody face cupped in my hands, „I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I whispered, caressing his face.

The last thing I saw was Joon-yeong grabbing a nearby piece of wood, hitting Gwi-nam right in the head.

I wish I could say that it helped, but it didn't. Not even the slightest bit. Instead, Joon-yeong got thrown away, exactly like On-jo, landing right next to us. In the process, the boy accidentally kicked my head with his foot.

The familiar loud beeping was thrilling in my ears again. My vision blurred when I crashed to the ground. I tried my best to keep myself awake, when I noticed a silhouette above me.

It was waving and yelling my name, but the headache was so bad, I wasn't able to really understand what was happening.

Slowly, my vision became clear again, when I recognized Su-hyeok's face hanging right above mine, „Y/N, can you hear me? Pl- please, don't pass out. Y/N..." He cried out as I slowly reached out my hand to him, „Su-hyeok?"

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. (Lee Su-hyeok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now