Chapter 24: •𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼•

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"You live with her now!?" She says in disbelief. "Is that everything you heard?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I can't change my feelings so quickly! I already liked you since I first laid my eyes on you. Ever since I'm not capable of getting you out of my mind. Do you think it's easy for me? Knowing I have feelings for my friends girlfriend? Apparently not!" She defends herself.

"Just hold yourself back, stop staring at me, don't touch me anymore and don't be around me. If you're not with me you eventually will get over me." I told her. "It's not that easy" she whispers. "I already tried that and failed. I didn't saw you since the party at Cate's and still have feelings for you! It was so bad that my ex started to think I cheated on him, because I talked about you so much." She started to cry.

Cate hugged her from the one side and Sandra from the other. The tension is really thick right now.. this is so uncomfortable here, it was a mistake to accept the invitation "I'll go for a smoke" I say and stand up. I gave a apologizing look at Gillian and made my way out. I took the cigarette out of my pack and lit it. I inhale and exhale. How could this escalate so quickly?

After 2 minutes someone stands next to me. "Can I have one?" She asks quietly. I turned around and there she was, Gillian.. again. I handed her the pack and she took one and lit it. "We should talk about the situation, the tension is too thick and I don't want this to change our friendship." She said quietly. "Gil I don't know what to say. I'm used that people have some liking in me and stare at me, but it was never a friend like you. I'm honestly scared that this will change everything. I really like you, you are nice to be around with, but I-" she interrupts me with her lips against mine.

I was frozen in spot, I didn't kiss her back and she backed away. I heard the clicks from all the cameras around us. "I'm so sorry, I just needed to do it. Just once I wanted to feel what's like to have your lips against mine." "I- what the fuck is wrong with you!?" I scream into her face and pushed her way.

I flicked my cigarette away and stomped back in. "Mom pack you things, we going home!" I told her. "Why? What happened?" she asks concerned. "Gil kissed me in front of dozen of paparazzi! I just want to leave!" "She did what!?" She yells. "Mom, please hurry up! I wish you a nice evening and thank you for the invitation." I told the others. Mom packed her belongings and we left the restaurant. I felt myself about to cry but didn't gave the paparazzi the satisfaction.

Once we was in the car I started to drive home immediately. Some tears made it's way down my cheeks. "Baby are you ok? I mean clearly not, but what happened?" "Gillian wanted to talk to me about the situation, I told her what I think about it and she just kissed me. I couldn't even backed away, was to shock at her action. I didn't kissed her back and after she let go she said something like she wanted at least once to feel her lips against mine." I told her through sniffles.

"The audacity she has.. I'm sorry I wasn't there!" Mom apologized. "It's not your fault mom, you have nothing to apologize for. It's was her fault, she did it. I'm scared to tell Helena, mom. I don't know how she will react. What if she break up with me?" I started to cry harder. It was almost impossible to see the street through my teary eyes. I stopped in a parking lot, turned to mom and hugged her as tight as possible. She rubbed my back and let me sob into her chest.

"She won't leave you sweetheart, as you said, it was her fault not yours or anyone else's" "can we call her together?" "Sure, I'll be by your side the whole time. I love you, I'll always be there for you" "Thank you so much, I love you too, so much!" I sniffle. After a few more minutes I finally calmed down and started to drive again. Once we were at the house I started to shake a little bit because I'm so fucking scared to tell Helena.

I unlocked the door and the kids still watch a movie. "Mommy, auntie Helen, you're back early!" Nell says confused. "Yeah" I just say. "Mommy, what's happened? Did you cry?" She asks. I sat in between them and she instantly hugged me and curled into my side. "Y/N what's wrong?" Billy also ask concerned. I took a deep breath, looked at mom a second and started to explain the situation.

"As you already know, Gillian has a liking towards me and she admitted it today. She said something like 'only because I'm with your mom doesn't mean I'm happy' I instantly told her that she is wrong and I won't leave Hellie for her. Than she said it's not easy for her to have feelings for me and tried to get over me but it didn't work. I excused myself and smoked a cigarette and she came after me to talk about the situation and the wired tension between us. Suddenly she just kissed me, a lot of paparazzi took pictures, I yelled at her and she only defends herself with a simple 'Just once I wanted to know how your lips feels against mine'" I told them honest.

They gasped. "Did you kissed her back?" Billy ask. "No I didn't, I was frozen in spot. I didn't even pushed her away. My mind was completely blank.." I said sadly and mentally slapped myself. Why did I froze? "You are scared to tell mama, right?" Nelly ask me. "Yes I am. I'm scared she will leave me or hurt Gillian. She deserves it but she just destroyed their friendship. You know what she is capable of when it comes to jealousy.."

"She won't break up with you mommy, she loves you way to much! I never saw her so happy with someone. Not even dad and that means a lot. It's Gillians fault, not yours. You did nothing wrong." She whispers into my neck. "She is right Y/N/N, mom won't leave you. I think she loves you more than us" he joke to light up the mood.

We all snuggle together and cried with each other. Mom made her way over to us and sat in front of me and hugged my stomach. "I'm don't want you to leave us mommy, I'm not ready yet." She sniffles into the crock of my neck. "me neither, I just got use to have you as my stepmother" Billy sniffed into my other side. "Me too, me too." I said. Out of nowhere I heard the front door unlocked.

Words: 2062

a/n: marry xmas everyone🎄🤍
I hope you have a great Christmas🥰
Ps: I also updated my other books!

my bestfriends daughter (HBCxfemReader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin