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"What did he said?"

After meeting with Naoto I return back to Toman hide out. I expect to atleast run over one of TR&TW member.

'Surprisingly no one come.'

I was too deep in tought that I ended up staying all night. After it reach 7 in the morning one by one of Toman members come.

I told Draken to hold up a meeting after everyone gather. But I still can't put my mind at ease.

"He told me he would give the answer to me." I can see a look of confusion on their faces.

Yes,who would believe that he would help without any thing in return. But giving thing in return is not that hard. The hard part is that...

"What did he ask in return?"

Yeah,I would also like to know that. He said he will tell me the answer to that question but the returning payment, he never told me what it is he want..

'The only thing I can do now is wait.' It is hard to read his mind. He is a detective but work with him. It is just the same as he is from underworld.

I let out a frustration sigh. There is really nothing I can do can I. Not did I only get fool by Hana but I also getting played by Naoto.

"But Mikey,how will he tell you the answer."


I rise my head to look at the one that questioning me. The shortest of everyone. Also one of the younger.

He is one of us that has had a pretty close relationship with Hana. He did not just receive an offer from him but also had a dream about him.

'Cifuyu...' after Hana retreat and dissapearan he had gone to his mansion multiple time but never get past the front gate.

"That guy won't let me in." Is what he always say whenever he return from there. Even when Cifuyu finish his school he never able to get through.

Slowly he decide to stop go there. After hearing the rumours of those guy is a part of gangster in the underworld,Cifuyu decide not to get involve.

Not because he is scare,but he is not fully prepared to face them.

"What do you mean?" I ask him back. The look he is wearing now is a look of confusion and wary.

I can see his eyes is trembling. He grit his teeth before answering me.

"If he really going to give you an answer,then he would already tell you yesterday."

I can see why he is acting this way. And I also know he is right. I can't deny that.

"What are you trying to say,Cifuyu?" Mitsuya that been sitting in silent voice out. It seem he is also catching up to the current situation.

"... how is he actually... going to give you the answer." I knew it. The answer that Naoto going to give me won't be easy to obtain.

"We... need to move fast." I start my speech. Everyone is giving me their full attention and land me their ears. No one open their mouth.

"We need to step foot in the underworld to find Naoto answer."



The unlucky person... that is what I call someone when #@#@ call out the name of the person he will exclude from his plan.

At some point it my seem like the person is not useful but actually because they will start to get in his way.

And this unlucky person is not just one person,but many of them. It could also be every last one of TR&TW members.

I heard footstep approaching so I quickly turn around ready to attack when I realise who it was. I quickly pay respect to him.

"#@#@." I thought we just had a meeting a few days ago,so why is he here?

"Inui..." I look up at the suddent call of my name. Our eyes collided with each other.

"I have given you the permission to throw a mess in TR&TW. But the first person is still unknown."

He take a sit at a near by chair. I also take a few step towards him. I wonder if he here for that matter.

"Yes." Just a short answer. Where is even Kokonoi at a moment like this.

"Do you perhaps... have anyone in mind?"


All of suddent? Are you really going to let me give you that kind of advise?

Gripping my hand tightly all I could even think of is whether he want my opinion or he just testing me.

"You are putting me in a tough spot,#@#@."

I expect him to show some reaction,but he didn't even show that he cares.

"Am I? I just want to know if we might have the same person in mind."

His word make it seem like I'm a bad guy. A sigh escape my lips. I have to give him the answer.

Who. Who is the first unlucky person. Someone that have known #@#@ for a long time. Having the position as executive. And won't leave a big impact on TR&TW.


The first unlucky person shouldn't be someone that stand so low. I was given the permission to even turn the TR&TW upside down. Then shouldn't I make a big mess now?

The three person that stand at the highest place. Advisor, Number 2 and Number 3.

These three have been with #@#@ the longest out of everyone.

If one of them get push down,then #@#@ plan will be much more stable.

And basic from their relationship, they won't go against him after getting push down.

"I wouldn't want to say their name out harshly. "

A smile make their way up to my face. I can't stop thinking of the out come if he really did get push away by #@#@.

"I suggest Number 3 in The Rose and Tamed Wolfs,Kurokawa Izana."

"W-who are you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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