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??? POV

"Just like you all have heard."

2 days after reciving the news of his return,I hold a meeting with all the division Leader and Vice-Leader. Before that I make sure to cancel all order I have given them before.

"I don't want to waste time so we will get straight to the point in this meeting." I said which everyone quickly agree on.

"Hina has come to delivery us a big news." Just hearing what I said manage to make the whole meeting place a mess. I know,it's not because they curious of the news,but because Hina the one that come.

"SILENT!" They quickly close their mouth and focous back to my word. I understand why they react like that. I know,how can we trust someone like her.

"How did she get in,in the first place?" One of them said. I look at the person. Long black hair. He... is the one that involve in that night mess.

"Emma let her in,they friend so it's understandeble." I answer calmly. I can see that they really distastefied with Emma still being friend with someone like her.

I told her before not to be close with Hina,but insted Emma get angry at me. In her eyes Hina is one of her servior. I can't lie when I tought Hina as a savior,but the fact she did that is...

"Anyways,Hina has come here personaly to delivery that news." Someone suddenly spoke after the meeting goes silent. I just nod my head,letting the purple hair guy to take over the meeting.

"Me and Hakkai is the one that meet her. At first I tought she was jooking but it seem like she didn't." He continue. No one intervane with his word so he continue.

"The news is... "he will return". One of the member that is drinking spit out his drink while one of the member that almost fall asleep on his chair fall down.

The room goes quite so quickly after that,only the sound of coughing can be heard. I look around but everyone is like a statue,of course except the one coughing and fall down just now.

"But!" Before everyone get to exist their fantasy world,Mitsuya fastly continue his word.

"For me. It seem like he already arive before we strat our meeting."


I can only look at him with disbelift face. I can't voice out my tought. What does he mean he already arive?

But before me or anyone alse can proses this news,Toman Vice-Leader speak up,which give us another big shoke.

"I agree with Mitsuya. I probably didn't see him but I did see the other person that dissapear with him." I turn to look at him when he talk about the other person.

Other person... the other person that dissapear with him... the one that potentialy having the position of number 2 in The Rose and Tamed Wolfs.

"Yes. That Zombie,Shuji Hanma."

Now... that is a lot to proses. 'Does that mean,when Hina come to delivery the news,those two is already on their way and is a mile away from ariving?'

I should have seen it. The reason why Hina come is not just to delivery the news,but to also see if we really unaware of the current situation.

I slam my hand on the table and stand on my feet. I can see everyone snap out of their tought and look at me. I clench my hand to stay calm.

"I need to see the Tachibana's." Hearing this everyone strat to rebel. I understand,when I said 'The Tachibana's' it mean not only Hina,but also her younger brother.

"I know. But I need to see those two to confirm something." I said which make everyone goes quite. Haih... they really need to calm down when it come to him.

I understand,between Hina and him,they reather talk to Hina. Who would have tought that little guy would be more insane than his sister.

"Draken,arange the time to meet them." Draken that been standing beside me nod his head. I'm still questioning what happen between him and that Zombie.

"Mitsuya,I leave you in power with them until I return." Mitsuya also nod his head. It would be better to leave him with power of a leader. Who know what crazy act those criminal would do.

"Baji,Smiley you two will come with me when the date is clear." They smile and nod their head in understanding.

"This is where the meeting end." With that being said,I be the first person to left following by Draken from behind.

I walk straight to my office room to strat working and help Draken to make a perfect date for my meeting with Tachibana's.

"You sure about meeting them?" I look to my back. Draken have a troublesome face.

I give him my best smile and said "Didn't you the one that say to not look back to the past?" He let out a sigh in defeat.

"I just going to remind you,Hina might not be so dengerous. But when it come to him he wouldn't even care if you the number 1 Delinque."

I stop my self from working and walk toward the window. I take in the view from the outside before turn to Draken again.

"Did I look so weak back then?" I ask Draken. He stop working as well and look me sraight in the eyes.

"Haih... you would't believe me if I said you look so... haih... how should I said this?" Draken is having a problem explaining my look that day.

"... pityful?" I ask. Draken went silent before nooding his head. It's not that I don't know,but I know it pretty well. I just pretend not to know.

Yeah. Back then... I never tought those two would't be any different from Hana. 'How foolish...'

"Haih... you really troublesome,Sano Manjiro."

IG: capriconthegoat
YT: CapriconTheGoat

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