Part 3 - Mothers Proposal

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Sybil's POV:

"Are you ready to order, ma'am?" The tall waiter approaches the table, eager to take our order.

"Yes, I'll have the foie gras, but hold the breading. I don't need the extra carbs," my mother says with a commanding voice. "And my daughter here will have the langoustine ravioli."

"That'll be all. Thank you," my mother dismisses the waiter with a wave of her hand.

"Mother, I'm grown enough to make my own food choices," I remind her.

"I know, but you can be impulsive when it comes to choosing healthier options," she sighs. "What would the media say if they found out a successful woman like you had poor eating habits? The paparazzi would have a field day." She chuckles with a hint of malice.

My mother has always controlled every aspect of my life, even well into my forty's. She chooses my university, my job, and now, even my food.

"I don't care what others think about my eating habits," I reply firmly.

"Really? You don't think I notice how angry you get when any rumours about you spread in the media," she retorts, her eyes sharp. "Without my help, you wouldn't be as financially stable as you are now."

"That's enough!" I yell, attracting the attention of others nearby. I feel frustrated that she assumes she has complete control over my life, just because she helped me in the past. I built my own successful company without her assistance and it's not changing anytime soon.

The silence is deafening as we wait for our food. My mother sips her red wine, clearly embarrassed by my outburst. A couple of minutes pass before our food finally arrives. I eat quickly, eager to leave the oppressive presence of my mother.

"You know I never meant to start a fight," she says as she starts eating her gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, carb-free meal. God she might as well eat air

"Well, you did," I reply, not interested in further conversation.

"Let's move on from this," she says, looking more serious. Clearly displayed by the frown on her old wrinkly face
"I have a proposal for you."

"What is it?" I ask, somewhat wary of her intentions. I'm not afraid of her by any means but she can be unpredictable,

"A famous designer from Paris is here on a business trip to broaden his understanding of American fashion. He wants to collaborate with a US designer," she explains with a smirk.

"And who is this famous designer from France?".I retort with an exaggeration

"Antonio Aveline". Her voice was low.
The Antonio Avenline, won numerous awards for being the best fashion designer in France, making some of the hottest statement pieces of the century. And not to forget his collaboration with numerous French brands like Chanel, Dior and Hermès. He may not be at my level of success, but I'll give him that—he's not far off.

"And how would you happen know this".
I question raising a brow
"Oh, darling it's in every fashion article" she responds. I will admit I have been occupied recently. Which isn't an ordinary occurrence for me.

I cross my arms, clearly figuring out where she's going with this sentence.
"I'm guessing you want me to
Collaborate with him".

"Ta-da, finally your starting to use that big brain of yours". She teases.

"And how will this benefit you?" I ask, suspecting she has ulterior motives.

"Well, I just want to help my daughter. Is that so wrong?" she lies. One thing I've learned from my Mother is she doesn't help unless their something in return for her.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Ok maybe my motives aren't all to help you, but since we both work in the same field and we both have a multi-million corporation-"

"Billion" I correct her.

She rolls her eyes
"The point is I'll also be participating in this, I'd be stupid to not partake in such an opportunity"
She smirks once again. How I wish I could wipe that smirk upside down

"Of course you will, it's all about money for you"
i lean forward
"however, why do you need me to have a part in this as well, is it that you are afraid that your company isn't worthy of such a big proposal?". I question with a hint of spite.

"Don't be ridiculous, my company is quite successful as it is, however, I do believe working together could be both beneficial for both our corporations, you will be seen as a talented fashion designer who has worked with one of the best in the business, and I will be seen as the woman who brought the two of you together. It's a win-win situation." My mother explains. Maybe she's good with words but her features speak something else.

"I suppose you're right." I reluctantly admit. "But how would I know if it's a fair collaboration? I don't want to be taken advantage of." Not that anyone can take advantage of me but I don't mind playing mind games with her.

"Of course, darling. I would never want that for you". She lies again.
"But think of the opportunities that could come from this."

I take a deep breath and think about the proposal. It's definitely a risk, but the potential reward is huge. Two influential designers in a collaboration that could put my name even higher on the map. And bring down other fashion brands to shame.

It's never about the money, I have to much of it anyways. I have more wealth then I can ever Spend, What truly stirs my hunger is the influence that follows after. It's not just the tangible riches, but the intangible treasures that accompany it—respect, power, control. These desires have coursed through my veins since childhood, like a relentless drug, each taste only fueling the insatiable hunger within me. It's as if I were addicted to the very notion of influence, the higher I rise, the more my appetite grows, an unquenchable thirst for dominance.


I pick up the phone and dial My Assistants number. She answers quickly.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. How can I assist you today?" My Assistant Answers I can hear the surprise in her voice, I'm quite aware of my intimidating demeanour and its effect on those around me, especially on the blonde Assistant.

Miller, I need you to gather all the designers and have them come to my office right away," I directed, my voice conveying the urgency of the matter at hand. My assistant, adept at reading my intentions even beyond my words. I suppose hiring her wasn't such a terrible decision. Well apart from her lateness to work, and her somewhat childish persona that completely irritates me.   

"of course Ma'am, what's this about?" Her voice is polite yet firm.

I have an important business proposal that I need to share with the team. I expect everyone to be present." My voice, as usual, remained in its characteristic monotone, a trait that often had an unsettling effect. Though I couldn't see her, I could almost feel the ripple of nervousness on the other end of the line

"Understood, ma'am. Should I mention anything specific in the gathering announcement?" Aurora mentions.

"Just make it explicitly clear that this gathering is mandatory, and I won't entertain any excuses for anyone's absence." I responded, my words leaving no room for ambiguity.

"Got it, ma'am. I'll ensure that all the necessary arrangements are made," Aurora replied, her voice carrying a slight tremor, revealing the extent to which my presence and requests could fluster her so easily. It was a small, albeit flattering, reminder of the influence I held over her.

"Good, and make sure everyone knows the importance of this meeting."
I end the call with a curt, "That will be all, Aurora."


This was a pretty short chapter, but what do you guys think so far?

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