Part 2 - Roommate

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"Aurora get your ass out of bed"
My roommate calls out to me from outside my room

After some convincing my eyes flatter open.
"What time is it" I groan as I call out to her, too tired to get up and check for myself.

"It's 7:29 you better be out of bed, that evil sexy boss of yours won't be very pleased"
My friend mocks.

Shit shit shit

I have to be there at 8. I quickly sprint out of bed as the thick blanket drags down with me almost tripping me onto the cold morning concrete tiles.
Not having the time to dwell on the past I head right to the bathroom.

"That's the spirit, If you have enough time I have pancakes in the kitchen ready for you" she teases me from the other side of the door.

"Thanks, Han I appreciate it!"
I yell to her from inside my bathroom hoping she heard me with toothpaste in my mouth as I brush my teeth.

I can't be late a third time to work especially not after the integration my boss gave me yesterday.

Im angry that my alarm wasn't the one to wake me up but luckily my friend had somewhat woken me up 50 minutes before work.

Hanna is possibly the best roommate any person on this planet could ever wish for, she has been my saving grace since my first semester in college.

After being kicked out of my parent's house I had no one to take care of me no family, no relatives and no friends. I suppose having both a toxic family and an abusive Ex does that to a person

But it all changed when I met Hanna in college,

I wouldn't say we were best friends close but close enough to be called friends.

After I left home it didn't take long for rumours to start spreading around campus about some white emo chick being homeless.

I used to think that gossip was solely a high school phenomenon, but I've come to realize that it can be just as prevalent in college

Hanna eventually found out about my situation and offered to help me find a place to stay. She also offered to pay so I eventually agreed. However, I wasn't about to make myself her liability and so that's when I went in search of a job.

I was and still am very grateful for having her in my life. And right now was one of them.

After fitting into my work cloth which this time included a longer skirt that covered my ankle and a white blouse tight enough to hug my breasts but not tight that it would seem sluty. confidence would be a more appropriate word.

However, confidence is the last thing im
Feeling, particularly when I think about returning to work and facing the rather sadistic woman
I call my boss. She often reminds me of Cruella de Vil with her demeanour and actions, but at least Cruella was predictable.

I eventually leave my room and make my way to the interconnected kitchen, dining room, and living room, all merged into one open space.

Hanna is there sitting on the opposite side of the table sipping her oat milk latte as she scrolls through her phone with pancakes ready for me on
The other end.

Hanna is the type of roommate who prefers cooking her homemade dishes rather than eating out, all in the name of benefiting the environment. I can't complain about it, though; I absolutely adore her food, and to be honest, I prefer it over dining out any day. Plus, it aligns perfectly with her climate change activist identity.

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