Chapter 4: The Vision - Hotaru

Start from the beginning

"Mama!" Usagi whined into her mother's chest. She felt a bit better, but she knew that someday and the someday was coming now, that they would be separated.

"You okay?" her mother released her from the hug.

Usagi sniffed, "yeah." She got up to get dressed and her mother left to attend to matters in other parts of the house.

I can't lose hope now, not just yet, Usagi thought to herself.


Usagi walked into the arcade where the girls said they would meet, it was 2 p.m. and she was the last to arrive.

"Usagi-san," said Ami.

"Hi, Ami-chan."

"You okay, you don't look so well," asked Rei.

"Yeah, about that...," said Luna.

"I was thinking about Quantum all night yesterday," said Usagi.

"I'm worried about him," said Minako, "Even when we powered up, he was still able to get the upper hand on us."

"This enemy is certainly more formidable than we expected," said Luna.

"Usagi, can you explain the entire situation to me again," said Ami.

Usagi sighed, "Okay, I didn't tell you all the entire thing."

"What do you mean Usagi-chan?" asked Makoto.

"I had a dream about this. About the people who are trying to invade the Earth. There was a black hole and the Earth was completely destroyed."

The girls gasped, Usagi continued.

"Before that, I met Queen Serenity, only her voice, she said that I had to save everyone before it was too late. Then I met this sailor scout...."

"Sailor scout?" questioned Rei.

"Yeah, her presence was angelic and beautiful, it felt like she could anything. There were also three other silhouettes with her."

"Could you say you they were?" asked Ami.

"No, I don't think so."

"Were they sailor scouts?" asked Makoto.

"I don't know."

"how about the sailor scout you saw?" asked Minako, "Did you recognize her as anyone."

"She looked like me and it felt I like I knew who she was, but we never met."


"But, the strangest thing is, I saw her. I saw her the day I met Quantum."

"This is big," said Artemis, "there are possibly more sailor scouts, and..."

"Do you think we should alert the others..." said Minako.

"You mean the outer solar system sailor?" asked Ami.

"I don't know if we should now, we need more time," said Artemis.

"You guys," they all faced Usagi, "I don't want you guys to worry about it, let's just spend time together..."

"Usagi-chan..." Ami felt pity for her friend.

"Usagi-chan's, right!" exclaimed Makoto. "Let's go out, I'll take you all to the restaurant I work at."

"That's a great idea, Makoto-chan," said Rei, "we could go shopping too."

Ami took Usagi's hand, "let's go," she smiled.

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