01. Encounter

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



I am currently on my way to Diagon Alley to buy everything I need for my upcoming year at Hogwarts, the best Wizarding School EVER!

You see, I will be in my fourth year this year, and I can't wait to experience all the amazing things that await me. The last three years were... well, kind of boring and lame, but thanks to my marvelous brother and his friends, the Marauders, I managed to have some fun. But anyways, enough of that.

I just put on my cloak and flooed to the Leaky Cauldron, and from there, I will make my way to Diagon Alley.

I admit, even though it's not my first time here in Diagon Alley, it still never fails to amaze me. It's a busy alley, filled with wizards and witches. I had to literally squeeze myself through the crowd.


As I was strolling through the crowded place, I bumped into something... or rather, someone. I heard the person groan as we both stumbled to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked, quickly standing up and offering my hand, which he swatted away as a sign of rejection.

"Get your filthy hands off me," he snarled at me. It was Regulus Black. He had the Black family features, similar to Sirius, but unlike Sirius, he had icy blue eyes that sent chills down my spine. His hair was also curly, but it had its own distinct charm.

"What are you staring at?" I realized I had been staring at him for a while, lost in my thoughts, and hadn't noticed that he had already stood up.

"Uh, nothing," I said shyly. "Um, what was your name again?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"And why in bloody hell would I tell you my name, you filthy blood traitor?" His words caught me off guard, leaving me speechless as he walked away, his cold demeanor intact.

"Well, that was fascinating." I was already aware of the history between the Black brothers, but it still saddened me. James and I were quite close, despite the fact that I was a year younger than him.

I continued my shopping, purchasing new cloaks since I had grown a few inches, along with some new books, quills, parchment, and potion ingredients. Satisfied with my purchases, I decided to treat myself to some sweets. As I headed towards Sugarplum's Sweet Shop, I spotted my brother with Sirius. I waved at them, catching Sirius's attention.

"Hey there, little pup! How's the shopping?" he asked, taking the bags I was carrying.

"It was nice. I bought some new books," I excitedly replied. It was no secret to them that I loved to read.

Our Forgotten Story // Regulus Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن