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The 05 files. A file that had all the information about your cursed techniques and the reason for your testing(s). The cursed techniques contain ones that have been inherited from your past relatives, ones that have been learned, and ones that have been created. Few know about these files and even fewer have access to this information. Those who know of it are the special grade sorcerers, the higher-ups, and trusted members of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College. However, those who have access to the information within the files include the special-grade sorcerers (Yuta Okkotsu is not included in this list.), The higher-ups, and Shoko Leiri. Past special-grade sorcerers such as Suguru Geto and your mother had the contents of the file as well. Both members have since died.

This file is heavily protected through endless amounts of firewalls and encryptions. To date, there have been no records of the information in the file being hacked or leaked. But just because something has been burned out of history does not mean it didn't happen.

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The way home was horrible for you. Stuck alone at night with your thoughts. Even the train ride was quiet with only an old man reading a book and a party go-er girl that was clearly high. You couldn't even listen to music seeing as your phone was broken thanks to the mission. It was time for it to go but you still found it upsetting. Thank god that Gojo is rich, you'll just sneak some cash from him. It's official, you now prefer going on train rides with others. You weren't ready to face Gojo, let alone Megumi. You hadn't seen Gojo since training earlier in the day, and you were still in trouble for being reckless with the special grade item from yesterday. The fact that you knew you had to face Megumi made you want to die. You still felt like a porcelain doll that had a crack alright in it. You told him that you were focused and he trusted you (to some degree). It almost felt like you broke an unsaid rule or promise. All you wanted right now was to be coddled like a child. All you wanted right now was to be a child again. When curses weren't dangerous when you could say something that would get you executed now when your mother was here. But the second you step your foot onto the train with Gojo 7 years ago as a nine-year-old you left your childhood behind.

You remember the day that Gojo told you your mother was dead. It was 1 year since she left you, on mothers day of 2012. The first few days that you had this information you didn't cry at all, but then it hit you like a truck. That was the last time you remember crying in someone's arms.

Finally, the train reached your destination and you got off. You still didn't want to go back home, even though the time was nearing 12 am. At the exit/entrance of the subway, you saw a noodle stand. It hit you that you were actually very hungry and that you hadn't had dinner. The person running the stand was a young lady, with bleached blond hair. You figured that you'd take the stop by since you weren't in any hurry. You walked over to the stand, tapping the bell to gain her attention seeing as she had her back turned. She spun on her heel to the window of the stand.

"Ah- Hello there! Oh, it's quite late for a young teenager like you to be out, are you alright? Why are you out so late?" Her voice was soft and gentle, similar to a mother's.

"I am fine thank you, I had extra school studying and the way home is quite long."

"Oh! Alright! Well, what can I get for you?"

"Could I just have beef ramen soup please?"

"Of course, I'll get it started for you! That will be 796 yen!" You handed the nice lady the money, and her hanging you the change back and turning back to get your dish ready. She had gotten your food ready relatively fast and handed it to you wishing you a good evening. You replied with the same answer. Finding a bench, you stand down and enjoy the meal, staring out at trash dancing in the wind or the couple dancing on their balcony. How you envied those who loved. You had said a million times that you would rather have the worst heartbreak than to never love someone. But no matter how hard you tried, there was simply no one. You almost felt like a robot in that sense.

DEAD MAN WALKING • Jujutsu KasienWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu