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You awoke to the sound of your phone ringing, memories from last night still fuzzy. Trying to slap the phone to silence, you instead ended picked the call up. "Y/n! Where are you? Are you skipping school again? You know the counselor is going to scold you again!"

"Hmmm? Megumi?" you tried your best to form a reply to his aggressive talking, however, because you had just woken up and were not able to hear or talk properly your words just came out in a chain of gibberish. 

"Y/n, did you just wake up..?" 

"... And what if I told you I just woke up?"

"Y/n! You cant keep on 'accidentally' sleeping in and skipping class! this is the seventh time this-"

"Yeah well, it's not like you much better Megumi! I bet you were out partying and hooking up with some girl, or guy! Getting no sleep at all since you were making out!"

"What do you mean?! I was studying with my friend!"

"That's what they all say! And it's not like you even have friends-!"

In the heat of the argument between you and Megumi, Gojo decided that he would pop in out of nowhere. Finding you shouting at your phone and sitting up in your bed with Megumi on the line was hardly a surprise for him (due to the fact that this exact situation has happened 6 times already this month).  "Are we talking about Megumi's first hook-up?" The childish adult spoke loudly,

"Yes-" "NO!"

The two teenagers responded simultaneously to the other man with no surprise laced in their voices. But yet again the shouting of the two teenagers filled the room ignoring Gojo's existence... again. However, the man's next words ended that argument, catching both of the kid's attention and starting a new fight. "WELL, My little ducklings you have a mission tomorrow! together! Yay! Teambuilding! Are you too just so happy to go on a mission with each other again~? And this time no one else is coming along, just you together!"


• • •

Yay...! You were now sitting in class zoning out (as usual) and thinking about the upcoming mission tomorrow. It wasn't even that you were nervous or scared, it was the fact that you were with Megumi. Sure you too are close and you did not dislike him, just that, you thought he got in the way. Sure he is strong but whenever you two tried to fight as a team or trained together, it seems that you too were fighting each other rather than helping each other. Megumi probably felt the same way about you, but did you care? No. You knew you had more potential and could reach the special grade when you were going to learn jujitsu. You knew that he had a great deal of potential, but not as much as you. It was selfish and borderline narcissistic to think this way but you couldn't help but think this way. You tried to stop thinking in such a way but when you are raised by a man who has a god complex and knows that you will become powerful it becomes a challenge not to. Gojo was constantly planting seeds in your mind that you would become 'one of the strong' when you were younger. Luckily, because of your mother's polite and optimistic outlook on the world, she could create some manners and self-awareness when you were still in her care. Because of these contradictory ideas, it created a debate in your brain about which one was right or wrong. It wasn't like you were putting down Megumi and saying that he was weak, that's just being an asshole. You most definitely were not in a position to be saying things like that seeing as you were both 'unofficially' grade 3 sorcerers.

DEAD MAN WALKING • Jujutsu KasienTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon