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Junior High was finally over. Though Megumi (of course) ended up with higher scores on the final test, you both passed, with above-average scores. However, because Megumi did win the bet you made you did have to pay for the ice cream this time around. Gojo had offered both of you a short break before officially enrolling into Jujutsu tech, but Megumi declined that offer. You on the other hand took this opportunity, like it was a gift on some holiday. It was shortened though because Gojo said that if half of his students have already enrolled then the "short break" should be cut in half. Now you only have 2 days (more like 1 since you spent today doing nothing) to relax before hell breaks loose.

Actually, you would act all dramatic about it but really, you were somewhat happy to finally start learning jujutsu. Gojo used to always tell you how amazing your cursed techniques would be when you were younger. You remember him explaining how cool your mother was in high school (but how he was cooler). Over time these ideals wouldn't be brought up as much but it was still engraved in your memory due to how young you were when you started growing a god complex. You were mainly excited to go to school so you could finally start learning about your inherited cursed techniques, and whatnot. You weren't completely clueless in the way that you know your mother was a descendant of one of the strongest clans that were wiped out, also making you a descendant. The clan mostly got wiped out a bit after the golden era of jujutsu, in the Kamakura period. So getting to finally learn more about it after being banned from research only added to your curiosity.

The time was past noon, at around 4 pm. You heard the creak of the front door open, and there appeared a very exhausting Megumi. Your face lit up almost instantly when you saw the black-haired boy, finally finding something to fill your boredom. "Megumi! Man, I have been waiting-"

"Do not speak to me. I'm taking a shower and a nap now."

Moodie much. So much for trying to talk to your buddy, old pal. Before he is able to sneak off into the darkness of his room you manage to slip out a question. "Where is Gojo?"

Megumi rolled his head back over in your direction and replied, answering your question. "He got called to do some mission with the Ryomen Sukuna special grade fingers, he said he'll be back by tonight."

"Is that why you're home so early?"

"Yeah, I'm taking a shower now." You didn't get the chance to respond to his final comment before he snuck away into his room. Though Gojo had missions like these often it still didn't make your emotions any better. You weren't even sure what it was, what this feeling that you were experiencing was. Perhaps because it was your last days of having a more normal life you wanted to pretend like the people that lived in this house were also normal.

• • •

By the time Gojo had gotten home, it was past both your and Megumi's 'bedtime'. As in the time when everyone would hold off to their own rooms for the night to be alone. Neither of you noticed that Gojo unlocked the door, both too invested in the romcom movie that was playing. Gojo walked in on you clinging to Megumi as he held the popcorn bowl, both of you watching legally blonde at an unruly volume. He let this scene play out for a few minutes, putting away his 'souvenirs' (also getting interested in the movie). Just as you were starting to fall asleep there was the sound of something falling, making Megumi snap his head around in an instant and making you groan out due to being shocked back awake. There Gojo stood with his hands up in the air like he was surrendering, smiling almost smugly. Megumi looked back at him with a soft glare, and you tried to look over to where Megumi was looking but your position and your sleeplessness made it hard to lift up your head. The ravennett was the first to speak up. "Why didn't you make yourself known? How long have you ever been here?"

"Well, I just couldn't bear to interrupt such a cute scene laid out in front of me! You know it makes my heart warm whenever I see my little ducklings getting along...!" The overdramatic adult put on a scene trying to gain sympathy. Being unable to see above the couch backing, you couldn't get the full context. This is the main reason why you would say such an idiotic thing in the next few seconds.

"Do you mean the scene in the movie? I mean I wouldn't exactly call it cute but if you say-'' Your speaking comes to an abrupt stop when you feel a sharp pain on your forehead, caused by Megumi's fingers flicking you.

"Megumi, that was so mean!"

"Oh hush now my dear little Y/n, I will protect you from the harsh boy that sits next to you" Gojo spoke out to you in a hushed tone, dramatically picking you up and coddling you. You continued to play along with the man, laying limply in his arms and placing the back of your hand on your forehead as if you were a character in a play.

"First of all, stop acting like I was bullying them, and second of all I'm not really a boy Gojo. Stop acting as if I stabbed you in the head Y/n."

"You're no fun Megumi, and I do consider that bullying me" You stated matter of factly. Megumi started a sound but was unable to finish it when Gojo interrupted, commenting on a different part of Megumi's words. Gojo was pronouncing the words like a Southern American man that smoked his whole life would.

"Well then maybe I should say young man, young man." You laugh at his actions, while Megumi cringed, the accents articulatelations for Japanese being horrid. Gojo had always been good at accents, even when they were the most random ones. He used to do them a lot when Megumi and you were younger. Megumi never seemed to be that amused, but you were optimistic and found it funny. Megumi had always been that way. Both of you were on the more reserved side but you often took the first step, pulling him along with you. To be fair you were the one that cried more and often got hurt easily but Megumi was there to help you. When you too started getting older he didn't stay as reserved but become rather nonchalant. Or at least looked like it. He was better at being a rule keeper and follower, and you were better at betting a rule bender and a person who would step up if it came out to it (or a leader). (You are such a trendsetter)

• • •

You sighed wondering just how you ended up having the clean the whole living room and kitchen area at 2 in the morning. Gojo made the argument that he was tired after his mission and Megumi made the argument that you hadn't done anything the whole day while he was at school. It was clear who took debate club the first 2 years of junior high. You were going to be a bitch about it and vacuum, but you decided against it after a short discussion with yourself. Some might think it's weird but you do talk to yourself even when there is no one else. Besides, it helps you be productive and not become bored with a boring task. Following cleaning, you went to your room and picked up the larger items, technically "cleaning it". Returning to your room you grabbed a slip of paper, probably ripped out from some book, and started writing a shopping list. Because tomorrow would be another break day for you, Gojo assigned you to shopping duty. Though it was not your favorite task or a task that you enjoyed, Gojo offered that you could buy yourself some things if you wanted to. And that was an opportunity that you couldn't let pass up. Nearing the end of the list you scribble down some random things that you need or just want. Nothing too expensive, just small things like a specific brand of toothpaste you like.

As you let out a yawn, you reach over and switch off the desk lamp, filling your room with darkness instantly. You stumble over to your bed, and let your body fall onto it, not concerning yourself with setting your alarm. You look over at the small clock radiating a blue light, reading the time on it. It was already 3:04 AM and you didn't take any melatonin. You shift on the bed turning to face the window & wall instead, seeking to fall asleep quickly. It took you 2 hours, 21 minutes, and 57 seconds to fall asleep.


Word count: 1690

Yo, I'm back finally. I meant to update this about a month ago but I really struggled with this chapter and getting to start and do it. Also, I had school stuff, about moving and things. I didn't really have any ideas so I just did it and it feels like a cop-out. Though it is kind of a light-hearted chapter. To make up for my absence of 3 months I am currently working on chapter 7 right now and I plan to have it out in the next few days. I also am going to try and get chapter 8 out soon after chapter 7 and they are both going to be long ones (not going to spoil anything though). Please comment if you see a mistake and point it out to me. But stay safe, eat, drink, and rest enough and I hope you have a good rest of your day. And don't forget to vote.

DEAD MAN WALKING • Jujutsu KasienTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang