Chapter Twenty-Five

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Freshly showered and dressed, I sat my ass down at the wooden Church table, coffee in hand.
Everyone filed in and sat down with a varying degree of sleepiness on their faces.

Everyone was seated, except VP.
I'd ask how he was later. He's a private man and wouldn't want everyone to make a fuss over him.

He needs to know we care though.

Prez started the meeting.
"I had an early morning call to the Daggers. A group will come out Friday night. Saturday morning, we'll be discussing our options and deciding on a plan of action.
I want some thought put into this, and ideas brought forward at that meeting."

It's pretty obvious right now that he's looking at me. He wants me to make a plan.

"Secondly, we have a new shipment coming in."
Prez tells us.
"Everything that was left at the old warehouse should be
moved to the new one by now, and demolition will begin Thursday.
Pretty Boy, Jax, Sneak and Teddy, I want you there for the delivery."

"Yeah, boss."
Jax says, on behalf of all or them.

Prez carries on with his next question.
"Gadget, have you got a drone?"

"Yeah. There's a pretty good camera on it."

"Good. I want you, Taz and Blaze to head over to a concealed spot near the DP Clubhouse and get a visual on their land. I want to know what else they have on there and more of an idea of how many members they have.
The more info we have before Saturday, the better."

"Sure Prez. We'll go tonight and use night vision. We'll get a better idea of how many members they have if we pick a time when most of them are there."

"Sounds good. Throb, I want you and a prospect to pay those guys we spoke about, a visit.
Make sure they aren't a problem for us anymore."

"No problems, boss man."
Throb salutes and Prez shakes his head at him.

A few more things are discussed for jobs today until Prez is ready to wrap it up.
"Alright, anything else?
No? Good."

Everyone left the room and Gadget, Blaze and I walked over to the bar to talk about tonight.

"We need to wait until it's dark for best coverage. From right about there,"
Gadget says, pointing to a bird's eye view picture on his laptop screen.
"I'll be able to get good images of the clubhouse."

Sounds good. We should leave at about ten tonight, the later, the better. Less movement of their men and they're more likely to have more members there."

"It's a plan!"
Gadget says, closing his laptop.

"I might be able to get an idea of weak points we can blow up, too. We already know the fence will be easy, but other buildings we might be able to use to our advantage."
Blaze says. He's our explosives guy, so he'd know the best spots of weakness or distraction.

"Alright. I say we relax right now, then head out later."

"Yeah, I know why you wanna relax."
Gadget grins at me.

"Can you blame me?"
With a laugh, I turned and left the bar.

Walking outside, I headed towards the barn that housed the garage where we worked on bikes and cars in our spare time.
Bypassing that door, I went right to the front of the barn.

When the threat of Raff and the DP's got larger, Pres, Jax and I decided that it was too dangerous to send the girls to work with just prospects watching over them, so we cleared out the front room of the barn that was being used as a storage area, and made it into their temporary salon. Renovating part of the bathroom so hair could be washed in the sink, we had also gotten a couple of stations moved in there, as well as their equipment before their actual salon was set on fire.

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