Chapter Twenty-Four

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Time to get my shit together.

"Are you alright? Did they see you?"

I asked Jax as he walked toward me. He'd just gotten back from following some DP members and found where their clubhouse is.

"I'm good. I circled around for a while to make sure I wasn't followed."

"Good thinking. Alright, let's get in and you can share what you ve got."

We headed back in through the doors and over to the bar and lounge area.
Prez and VP were sitting with some others at the bar and looked over to us as we walked in.

"Tell me you got good news, Jax."
Prez told him as we walked right over to where they sat.

"I did. Location and photos to go with it."


Prez says, getting to his feet with VP doing the same. He then turns toward the main area behind him and whistles loudly, a hush comes over the crowd.


Sounds of acknowledgement wash over the room.
Most guys head over to the bar to refill before they are needed in church.

A hand touches my arm and I turn to see my girl next to me.

"Hey, I was about to come find you."
Sliding my hand around her back, I held her close and pecked her lips.

"Are you okay? You've been gone for a while."
Concern showing in her eyes as she spoke. I didn't mean to worry her, I just needed some time to think.

"Yeah, sorry. I've had something on my mind.
As soon as we are done with church, I'm all yours. I promise."

"Okay, I can't wait."

"Neither can I, baby."
Before I have to head off, I get one more taste of her sweet lips, grounding myself again.

Walking into church, we take our usual seats around the large wooden table.

"Jax went on a little impromptu recon mission today."
Prez announces to everyone.
"Wanna tell us what you found?"

All eyes went to Jax as he cleared his throat, nodding towards Gadget who pressed a button on his computer, and a photo appeared on the screen on the wall from the projector.

"DP's were spotted in town today by Throb, Blaze and I. I swapped vehicles with Throb and took the van to be less noticeable.
I followed them to a titty bar on the outside or town, in Dagger territory."

Prez was quiet, but nodded his head.
"We'll let them know."

"After a few hours, I then followed a group of drunk DP's as they headed further out to this location."
Jax gestured to the screen which showed a satellite map with a pin pointed spot.

"While there, I took a couple of photos of the front of the Clubhouse."
The screen changed again to show a shitty chain link fence. On the other side was a few bikes and an old
run down warehouse.
"There were two guys keeping watch, that I could see. Not very observant though.
The entrance Is only a weak chain fence. It won't be hard to get through there."

"Did you get a visual on how many members they might have?"
Prez asked him.

"I counted about fifteen bikes while I was there. Looks like they're still small."

"That'll definitely work in our favour."
Prez said, while thinking about something.
"Taz, would you like to add anything?"

He looked at me expectantly.
I guess he's starting my involvement before my answer.

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