Malcolm's Date

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It was the middle of November, and it was a snowy day.

It would've been a perfect day to stay inside and watch a movie, but Malcolm was an outdoorsy guy.

Malcolm liked to be outside, so he practically forced Vincent to go outside with him.

"Make sure you bundle up!" Malcolm said. "It looks like a chilly one."

"You sound like a dad," Vincent chuckled.

"What can I say? I'm into Dilfs!" Malcolm replied. "Might as well act like one."

Vincent cackled at that.


"Let's have a snowball fight!" Malcolm exclaimed.

"I'm gonna beat your ass!" Vincent yelled back.

They had a snowball fight for about two hours before they couldn't feel their hands anymore.

They went back into Vincent's house to warm up and have hot chocolate.

"We should bake cookies!" Vincent said, loudly.

"Yes!" Malcolm agreed. "Do you have chocolate chips for chocolate chip cookies?"

"Yes, I do!" Vincent said, grabbing chocolate chips from a cupboard.

"Grape!" Malcolm said, happily.

"Why do you always say 'grape' instead of 'great' like a normal person?" Vincent asked.

"Who said I was a normal person?" Malcolm asked back, giving Vincent a small peck on the nose.

Vincent blushed like crazy.


"You wanna watch a movie?" Malcolm asked, face full of cookies.

"Sure," Vincent replied. "What movie do you wanna watch?"

"A scary one."

They ended up watching The Shining.

The Shining was Malcolm's favorite movie, but the same couldn't be said about Vincent.

Vincent nearly went through the roof when there was one jump scare.

"Jeez, dude. You okay?" Malcolm asked, laughing slightly.

Vincent just buried their head into Malcolm's shoulder.

Malcolm blushed, but tried to not make it obvious.


Later in the evening the two went to sleep, in different beds of course.

Malcolm slept on the couch while Vincent slept in his own bed.

"Good night, Mally," Vincent said.

"Good night, love," Malcolm replied sleepily.

God, he's amazing, Vincent thought while drifting off to sleep.


A/N: At the time of publishing this chapter it is Christmas Eve, so Merry Chrysler everyone!!!

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