Chapter 23

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At last, as Rey climbed his way down Tyrant Mountain, the rains had finally come to the kingdom. The heavy downpour put out the fire ravaging Tyrant Mountain, leaving behind blackened logs and shriveled bushes. When Rey made it down, he couldn't help but open his mouth to catch the raindrops on his tongue. It tasted of salvation, of faith and hope, of a blessing family replacing a curse. Caroline's terrible reign had finally come to an end. 

Rey smiled at those who had come by after the battle. Spear-Beak was perched on a rock as he passed, bowing low and murmuring, "Your Majesty". He was approached and nodded to by several animals, even getting to meet Scythe's young chick, Scrape. He stared up in awe at the Tyrannosaurus that defeated the Giganotosaurus. After gently nuzzling the timid little Therizinosaurus chick, he counted how many had survived the battle, and how many were wounded. He was sad to hear that one of the Struthiomimus and the Corythosaurus was killed during the fight, but he would make sure that they were honored. 

Saline and Regina approached Rey with looks of pride and joy on their snouts. Rey padded over to his mother, sharing a nuzzle with her, before looking at Saline. He really couldn't have done this without her. There was a lot to say to her that he wanted to say, to thank her for helping him, to say that he loved her. Instead, he padded over to her and nuzzled her, which she happily returned. Regina watched them with joy, happy indeed to see her son home. 

Then Jimbo and Styx approached him, along with their forest friends, and Jimbo's parents. They were a little nervous to be standing beside a huge group of predators, but when Regina and Saline smiled warmly at them, they saw there was nothing to fear. When Jimbo and Styx stood before the Tyrannosaurus, they bowed, as did everyone else. 

In return, Rey gave Jimbo and Styx a nuzzling instead. I couldn't have done it without you guys as well, he thought. Jimbo and Styx backed up to let him by, Jimbo sharing smiles with his Mama and Papa. 

A rattling sound dragged their attention to Eggbert. The Oviraptor shaman was standing on a nearby rock, pointing his staff to the edge of Tyrant Mountain's balcony. Rey knew what that meant. With a nod to his family and friends, he left their side to approach Eggbert, who bowed low to him. While he himself did not bow back, Rey nuzzled him as well, initially surprising the Oviraptor before he returned the affection. 

"It is time," Eggbert mumbled once they parted. 

Thus, Rey began his ascent up towards the edge of Tyrant Mountain. Below him were the others gazing up in awe: Saline, Regina, Spear-Beak, Jimbo, Styx, Joe, and all the rest. It felt like he was being born again by rain, his spirit becoming renewed, the more he climbed up and up. Was this how Imperator felt when he became king of Tyrant Mountain? 

When he reached the edge of Tyrant Mountain, he looked back up to the rainy sky. Some of the storm clouds had moved away, revealing stars twinkling on a night sky. Rey felt the cooling wind swirl past him as Imperator's voice resounded in his earholes: 


I will always remember, Dad. Always, Rey thought. He would never forget all who had helped him get here. He would never forget the wisdom his father and others had taught him over the years. And he would spend the rest of his life upholding the traditions his father and many others had carried out. 

Then, lifting his head, Rey let out a roar, a roar that echoed across the land and reached the heavens above. Regina and Saline answered his roar with their own roars, louder than the rain. All the other animals let out their own cries, watching on with looks of awe and pride. 

Rey smiled as he gazed out over the kingdom that he was to rule before roaring again. It was indeed time. He was the king now. 


Months passed, and slowly but very surely, the kingdom was finally restored to its former glory. Where there had been dry dirt and empty watering holes, there was now plenty of greenery and water; the rains had come and gone, revitalizing the land. There was no remnant of Caroline's rule left, and everyone couldn't have been happier. Indeed, the herds and other animals had heard of Rey's triumphant victory over Caroline and had returned home, celebrating and rejoicing in having come back. 

At Tyrant Mountain, a special event was taking place. Rey looked down at the animals in his kingdom, watching them gather one by one. Hadrosaurs and Struthiomimus joined as one herd, Dreadnoughtus stood tall, ceratopsians bellowed, while proto-birds chirped and squawked on their backs. He even saw some of his forest friends among the crowd, having moved from the forest to the plains to start families of their own. Jimbo's parents were also invited to stay in the kingdom as they wished, where they never had to worry about Atrociraptors again. Speaking of Atrociraptors, Rey had come to realize that not all Atrociraptors were like Chi's pack, and any Atrociraptor willing to respect the balance of nature was more than welcome to live in his kingdom. 

He headed back into the cave and saw Saline laying near the entrance, smiling. Nestled beside her were eight little chicks, hatched just a few days ago, with Jimbo and Styx, as well as Joe, standing guard. Rey smiled down at his mate and chicks, one of which they named Lisa. He had been excited to be a father, especially when he thought of them playing with Scrape. Scrape looked like Scythe, but Rey knew to judge him by his character, and that character was completely opposite of his mother's. While she was traitorous, siding with Caroline, Scrape was friendly and eager to be with others, shown when he happily met Lisa on the day of their birth. 

The unmistakable tap of Eggbert's staff on the cave wall made Rey turn his head. Eggbert hobbled into the cave, gazing down at the chicks with joy; it was the day that he was to present Lisa to the kingdom, and to the world. He plucked a pawpaw fruit off of the end of his staff, broke it in two, and gently smeared the juice onto her feathery forehead. 

"Hey, Eggbert," Rey rumbled, sharing a nuzzle with the old Oviraptor. "I'm glad you came." 

"Of course I came. It is time," replied Eggbert, chuckling. "Are you ready, my friend?" 

Rey nodded. "I'm always ready. Ready until the day I die." 

Eggbert bowed low before turning his attention to the chicks cuddling with Saline. He gently picked Lisa up, heading to the entrance to the cave. Regina padded over and gently guiding the other chicks to bring them over to where Scrape was sharpening his claws. Joe walked over and placed himself at the cave entrance, as if ready to fight off any intruder that would invade his new home. 

As for Eggbert, Rey and Saline followed him as he stood at the edge of Tyrant Mountain, waiting for them. Jimbo and Styx followed them out, watching the proto-birds flying around the king and queen in celebration, as Jimbo cheered and posed. When they got to the edge of Tyrant Mountain (after greeting Spear-Beak, who bowed low to them), Rey and Saline shared a loving nuzzle before letting Eggbert come between them, carrying Lisa in his arms and lifting her up into the air. The animals below them cheered, bellowed, roared, and squawked in greetings, welcoming the new, and rather confused, chick into the world. 

Rey watched with fatherly pride welling up in his heart. Lisa was sure to be a great queen one day, and he would help her follow in the same footsteps that Imperator had set out for him. As for the other chicks, he wasn't sure what they would do, but no matter what path they would take, he would be there for them. He would also be there for Saline, Regina, Jimbo, Styx, Scrape, and all the others he would love and protect for all time. And he promised, with all his heart, to respect and remember the lessons he had learned on the way. 

Rey, the Tyrannosaurus, had found his place in the balance of nature. 

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