Chapter 3

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A brand new day was going to dawn on North America several months later; the rains had come and gone. While young Rey grew in size until he was a healthy chick, he also grew in confidence and adventure. From the time when the sun rose to when it set, he was full of energy, only finally setting down when it was time for bed. 

One morning, Rey woke up earlier than the rest of his family. He had just come out of a dream of him fighting off Deinosuchus with his father. He watched the plains below Tyrant Mountain, ready to get out there and explore. He looked back to see if one of his siblings had gotten up too, but they were still asleep. But Rey realized that he didn't need a playmate today; no, today was the day he would get to spend quality time with his father. 

"Dad! Dad!" he squealed, running back into the cave. "Come on, you gotta get up!" 

He crawled over the other sleeping chicks, tripping over one. He apologized, which was met with a sleepy grunt. Finally, Rey reached the back of the cave, where his parents slept. While Rey had grown since his ceremony, he was still tiny compared to his father Imperator. 

"Dad!" Rey mewed, trying to get Imperator's attention. But Imperator answered with a snore, leading Rey to whine, "Daaad..." 

Regina opened an eye, making sure her son wasn't hurt or sick. When she saw that he was just antsy, she smiled and closed her eye. "Your son is awake," she murmured to Imperator with amusement. 

"Before sunrise, he is your son," Imperator muttered back among Rey's repeating of "Dad". 

In the meantime, Rey kept trying to wake his father up. Pushing against his enormous head didn't work, so he tried headbutting the area below his lower jaw. "You promised!" he said with a pout. 

Imperator looked into his son's eyes, half drowsy and half amused. "Okay, okay," he muttered. "I'm up." 

Rey cheered and spun around in circles. Imperator let out a loud yawn, which sounded more like a roar. Beside him, Regina rolled onto her hind legs, bending down to lick the side of his face, which he returned with a gentle headbutt. 

While the other chicks were beginning to stir, Rey and his parents walked out of the cave. Rey darted over to his mother, rubbing against her tall legs, and Regina nuzzled him in return, nudging him along. She watched father and son leave with a smile on her snout. 

"So what'll we do today, Dad?" Rey asked once they left Regina behind. "Give orders for the hunt? Chase any bad guys out?" 

Imperator didn't answer, only strolled ahead. But he was heading towards the back of Tyrant Mountain, not away from it. 

"Dad?" Rey piped up, confused. "You're going the wrong way!" 

Imperator grinned over his shoulder. "Who says I'm going the wrong way?" was all he said before walking on. "Come. Follow me." 

So Rey decided not to argue and followed his father. While he struggled to leap from ledge to ledge on the side of Tyrant Mountain, Imperator merely pulled himself up with ease. He was the adult, so it was easier for an adult to do it than a chick. Rey was already feeling tired from the climb, but he didn't want to give up now. Finally, they reached the top, and Rey walked over to sit by Imperator, who sat near the edge of the top of Tyrant Mountain, looking out towards the horizon. 

Nothing happened for a few moments, and soon, it felt like hours. Rey almost wished he hadn't gotten up so early; that way, whatever Imperator wanted to show him could come sooner. 

"What're we doing up here?" Rey chirped. "There's nothing going on."

Imperator shifted his gaze to Rey, his eyes and face serious. Then he looked back to the horizon. "Look, Rey," he said. "Everything the light touches is our kingdom." 

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