Chapter 9

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The next morning, Rey woke up, not completely bright-eyed and feathery-tailed. He and Imperator had stayed out later than they usually did, coming back for a late meal and a quick bath before going to bed. So when Rey woke up, he was still trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. 

Under the shadow of Tyrant Mountain, breakfast was served, a fresh meal of Ankylosaurus. Those huge beasts were a challenge to take down; even a skilled predator like Regina could easily get gored or whacked by an Ankylosaurus. As he ate, he caught snippets of his siblings talking to each other. 

"That was quite the adventure Rey and Saline had yesterday," one brother remarked. "Imagine, straying so far into Atrociraptor territory!" 

Rey felt the scales under his feathers grow hot. Imperator must have told Regina about his son's adventure, and she spread it out to Rey's siblings. He really wished that fewer animals were that nosy. 

Nearby, there lived an acquaintance of Regina, a young Therizinosaurus named Scythe, surrounded by her brood. "If you ask me, Rey wasn't punished enough," she snapped. "He even put Saline in danger for kings' sake. What kind of father is Imperator, to refuse to discipline a child?" The chicks around her legs winced a little at this. 

"Certainly not the way you'd do it, Scythe," Regina retorted sternly. "From what Imperator told me, Rey was indeed sorry, and he and Saline are safe and sound. That's all that matters." 

"What matters more is that he's a troublemaker," replied Scythe, giving Rey a nasty sideways look. "For once, I wouldn't blame Imperator for still being angry with him." 

The good feeling Rey felt from the night before faded, replaced by worry. What if Scythe was right? Was Imperator still mad at him for all that? He had already apologized to him and Saline, but what if it wasn't good enough? Now his appetite was gone, so he slunk away without letting his mother or Scythe notice him. 

Rey went to find Imperator to spend more time with him, and perhaps apologize some more. Unfortunately, he heard from Spear-Beak that Imperator had already set off before breakfast, to settle a dispute between two collared lizard families, as well as patrol his kingdom's borders. So he decided to just take a walk, hoping to avoid the judgmental stares from his mother and siblings. 

As he prepared to set out, he heard a familiar voice drawl, "Tough luck this morning, eh?" 

Rey glanced up to see Caroline gazing down at him, her good eye unreadable. She had come to Rey, not to comfort him, but to spring her plan into action. 

"Dad was upset with me last night," replied Rey. Still is, he thought with a shudder, remembering what Scythe said. He was glad that he and Imperator spent a little father-son moment together, but the good feeling was gone. He really hoped that he could find the perfect way to make up for what he did. 

"I think I have the perfect idea on how to make up for it," replied Caroline with a smile. "Whatever he's mad at you about, it's a gift that will make him forget it ever happened." 

Rey tilted his head and walked a little closer. "But he's the king. What can I give him?" 

"Your roar," said Caroline, not hesitating with her answer. "Why don't you come with me. I'll show you what I mean." 

It did sound exciting for Rey. "But I gotta ask permission from Mom first," he reminded the Giganotosaurus

Caroline rolled her good eye, but she covered it up with a nod. "Very well, then. Do hurry up, though. The day's not getting any younger, you know." 

She waited by her den while Rey ran off to ask his mother if he could leave. A moment or two passed before he came racing back. She had given him permission after all, and the two theropods headed off across the landscape. 

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