Dolphin Search and Rescue in the Ocean (4)

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Zhang Min'an narrowed his eyes.

The notarization of property by two husbands and wives who have property in each other seems beyond reproach.

He did not speak, but raised his chin to signal the police officer to continue.

"I also focused on investigating their interpersonal relationships. Most of Royalan's side are some work partners and colleagues, and I haven't found any enmity for the time being."

"The two elders of the Luo family have never quarreled with anyone. As for Nie Yanbo, it's even simpler."

"He is a college student who was admitted from the countryside. His family is in his hometown and has nothing to do with the people in Nanshi. He is also a well-known good man in the business field. start a feud."

Zhang Min'an opened the door of the conference room, "Let's gather first."

The policemen of the Criminal Police Detachment are all here.

Zhang Min'an has posted the relationship diagram of the deceased on the blackboard.

After briefly explaining the case, he tapped Nie Yanbo's photo with the tip of his pen.

"According to the forensic examination, the three bodies died at the same time, that is to say, three days ago, the three died."

"As Royalan's bedside, the father of two children, why hasn't he found out that his family is missing or called the police? This is a point worth noting."

No one spoke.

Zhang Min'an looked at the inspection report again. The cut surface of the body was very rough. It was obviously the first time for this person to do it. There was no trauma in the preliminary examination. Pained to death.

However, the face of the deceased was damaged, so no conclusion can be drawn from the surface, and we can only wait for further examination by the forensic doctor.

"Is there any record of Nie Yanbo's itinerary? Especially three days ago."

A police officer raised his hand, "I have checked the Zhang team here. Nie Yanbo was on a business trip three days ago and just returned to Nanshi today."

Zhang Min'an raised his eyebrows, "Are there any witnesses?"

"There is a live broadcast. Three days ago, Nie Yanbo went to Haishi for a business trip to participate in a live broadcast."

In other words, from the current point of view, Nie Yanbo has no motive and no opportunity to commit the crime.

Zhang Minan glanced at the character distribution map he drew, and recalled the way the deceased died.

"Notify the family of the deceased, and at the same time expand the interpersonal network of the deceased, try to find the deceased's mobile phone, computer and other equipment, and find all the social accounts bound to her ID card."


The entire criminal police detachment was busy, Zhang Minan pinched his brows and his face darkened.

He had a hunch that this case... definitely more than surfaced.

In the darkness of night, the police car flashing red and blue light "woohoowoowa" out of the Nanshi Criminal Police Detachment, and the cars on the road avoid a straight and unobstructed road.

Pedestrians glanced up occasionally, and then sighed and discussed with their companions, "Look at this police car in a hurry, it is estimated that another criminal will be arrested."

The feasting streets and the police cars sandwiched by the neon lights form the most common and uncommon picture scroll in Nanshi at night.

Shen Qiu stayed at the pier the whole time. When she heard the sound of the police car, she knew the result of the bureau. She didn't know the identity of the deceased and the identity of the suspect.


There is no clue, and Shen Qiu, who can't think of it when he scratches his head, let out an irritable whistle, which startled the marine police on duty.

The probe looked outside the fence and saw that the newly grown white dolphin was spinning extremely fast in the sea.

"What's the matter?"

Colleagues who were changing shifts ran out in a hurry.

The coast guard pointed to the underside of the boat, "I heard that this is a dolphin that has just come of age. It is estimated that the rebellious period is over."

Listening to the conversation, Shen Qiu almost rolled his eyes and sank into the bottom of the water and spat out a bubble of water.

I'm hungry.

Forget it, I can't wait for the result here, let's eat.

The little dolphin swims to the deep sea with a lonely back.

The Criminal Investigation Detachment at this time.

The two elders of the Luo family and Nie Yanbo, who had just returned home, were invited to the police station.

The two elders of the Luo family obviously couldn't accept the news of their daughter's grandson and granddaughter's death.

The office that was noisy because of the case suddenly turned into a mess like a vegetable market at seven in the morning.

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