Fox Forest Ranger of Forestry Bureau (30)

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Serious obviously believes in the little fox. Seeing the little fox like this, he immediately nodded and held the replaced camera frame, turned his head and left.

At the same time, take out the walkie-talkie to contact the office and other colleagues to explain the situation.

After a few minutes, he said without looking back, "I have asked my colleagues in the office to help check the nearby surveillance, and we will be notified as soon as there is news."

Xi Ye and Deng Bo looked at each other and quickly thanked them.

Serious but looking at the anxious little fox.

"Can you smell it?"

Shen Qiu looked at him, about a few seconds, the little fox nodded hurriedly, lowered his head and sniffed on the ground.

"Hey!" When he saw the situation, he immediately called seriously.

Seriously pushed aside the snow and studied it, frowning.

"More than one person came, you see, these footprints are very messy, at least four or five people walking together."

After finishing speaking, she looked in the direction where the footprints left, "The degree of snow coverage is not very large. They should have walked before the snow stopped, and they were looking down the mountain."

This corresponds to the guess that the fat fox was taken away by humans.

Serious and a few words to the walkie-talkie, a few people followed the footprints down the mountain.

Still halfway up the mountain, the police who stayed at the bottom of the mountain came to the news.

They got people.

A few people listen to one fox, and they can still sit still and speed up the downhill.

Although this trail is remote, it takes half an hour longer than the normal mountain road, but it is much safer than the normal mountain road.

Before going down the mountain, Shen Qiu smelled the smell of the fat fox, shouted seriously and ran away.

He rushed to the road and saw a car surrounded by a group of people.

A few men in down jackets were standing in front of the car arguing with the police.

The fat fox is in the car!

Shen Qiu sneaked into the car from the gap.

Everyone only saw a touch of red rushing past, and when they returned to their senses, they saw another red fox beside the pet air box.

The little fox's sharp beak pressed against the iron door, the fat fox should have been anesthetized, and at this time there was no movement.

The little fox bared his teeth and threatened the few people who came over.

Shen and Xi Ye and others came over at this time, and solemnly shouted Qiuqiu, signaling him to calm down.

Then ask the police who stopped them.

The more I listen, the tighter the frown becomes.


As soon as Shen Qiu heard this word, he immediately raised his head in reflex and glared at those people fiercely.

Serious and cold expressions, I asked them to ask for their certificates, and they were hesitant to give them.

"You said this fox was stolen from the farm?"

One of them handed over the ID card and licked his face with a smile, "Comrade police, we are doing ordinary farming. They ran to our farm and released a lot of foxes."

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