06| Alah-du-ilah

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The picture above is Jaxtons outfit for the day.

Jaxton Kincaids Pov

So far my day has been pretty normal, when I walk in the halls I can feel everyone staring at me. They don't stare at me like usual, where the girls look at me with desperate eyes and some of the boys look at me with fear or envy.

Today was different, everyone stared at me as if I had disappointed them. As if I had let Welton's name go down the toilet as if I had failed the honor of the school.

The fact that we lost against Richmond really made everyone look at me and the whole team with stinging and disappointed eyes, we all felt it. The whole team talked about it at lunch, when we sat at our usual table.

I think that people are mad and ashamed of us just because we lost to the poor school Richmond which has only a mediocre coach, a mediocre cafeteria, mediocre teachers and mediocre students, and a mediocre basketball team. But scratch that, they no longer have a mediocre team but a super team. If they managed to beat us.

I'm sitting in maths class right now, looking out the window. I look at the sun that shines brightly, the blue sky, the trees, and the botanical garden that some of the chemistry students had a project to create last year. I'm actually wondering if we're going to get something done-

"Mr. Kincaid, may I ask you why you are looking out of the window instead of following my class?" I hear Mr. Carter ask me in a snide tone, I can hear the anger in his voice.

I look him straight in the eyes and I say nothing. I can hear him walking towards my desk, and from where he was standing to my desk it takes a few steps because I sit in the back row.

"Mr. Kincaid, I ask you one more time. What is so important that you don't look my way when I'm explaining quadratic equations?" he says once more in a raised voice.

"With all due respect sir, I don't give a shit. So stop talking to me and go back and tell someone who cares." I say in an even louder voice and look him straight in the eyes.

I can see that he is upset and that he actually did not expect that answer. Fuck you man, just be the idiotic teacher you are. I hope he has a nervous breakdown in front of the class.

"Eyy, what's wrong with you? Do you have no respect for people, or are you God over all that exists in the world?" I hear a voice say from the front seat. I recognize that voice, the annoying and know-it-all voice. It is none other than Ugbad Mahamed Nuur.

She gets up from her desk, looks at me and we make eye contact. "Wow, and I thought that money could give everything. Looks like you haven't had time to buy yourself manners, Oh wait! It can't be bought!" she says in a voice that will make me sound like an idiot. Her voice is sarcastic, and I can hear that she is really annoyed.

I'm mad as hell, and I immediately feel my knuckles clench. Everyone has their eyes on me and her, and everyone looks saying "Ohhhhhhhh" like she's roasted me hard. Fuck you Uggy.

"Go bomb yourself scarfbomb. Why are you in other people's business?" says in a sour voice. I keep exploding, my nostrils are wide open, my breathing is heavier and I feel like I'm going to kill her. But for some reason, I know that for her I could never do that.

"YOU BASTARD-" she says, she is about to say more but is interrupted.

"HEY! Stop both of you. Mrs. Nuur you can sit down again. Mr. Kincaid our school does not accept such behavior, first, you are disrespectful to me, and also you throw racist remarks at a fellow student. This is unacceptable. 2 weeks of detention and you are going to write an apology essay to Mrs. Nuur. Where you reflect on your actions. Now sit down." he says in a raised and determined voice.

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