53: 'Bed bound...'

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I groan loudly as I desperately search Netflix for something that I haven't watched yet, I've been officially on best rest for just over five days and I'm already going fucking insane. My feet itched to go outside and enjoy the warm summers breeze. 

But now instead I'm stuck inside with my windows wide open and a million fans blowing in my face.

I turn my head to see a sheepish looking Rocky entering my room with a gift bag in his hands, 'Morning sunshine, are you still feeling a little grumpy today?'

I narrow my eyes harshly, 'I am not grumpy! I'm heavily pregnant, there's a difference.'

'So, I've got you a little present.'

My harsh exterior melts instantly, 'What? Why?'

'It's one of these fucking push presents or whatever they're called.'

I laugh softly as my heart squeezes, 'Y-You got me a push present?'

He nods slowly as he awkwardly passes me the bag, I bite down on my bottom lip as I rummage through the issue paper, hot tears burn my eyes when I notice a long rectangular black velvet box. My now slightly trembling hands peels the box open, sitting beautifully in the box was a golden charm bracelet.'

I sniffle loudly, 'It's beautiful! Thank so you much! I don't deserve this, you already show me so much love, you don't need to get me anything.'

He rolls his eyes before sitting down on the edge of the bed, 'I wanted to get you something, each charm means something different. There's only four on their right now but I figured that we can keep adding to it.'

A wave of affections washes over me at his thoughtfulness and the use of the word 'we', W-What do they mean?'

'Well, there's a sun charm because obviously you're sunshine, then there's an angel because of your mom, then there's them creepy fucking acting mask things I don't know the actual name of them because let's be honest we all know you're getting on Broadway one day  and then there's a fish...this sounds pretty stupid but we're having a little Finn and fishes have fins so it kind of made sense.'

A small sob escapes my lips, 'That doesn't sound stupid at all, it sounds perfect. You're perfect! I love you.'

His eyes crinkle as he smiles perfectly showing of his dimples, 'So, you like it?'

'I love it! I'm never going to take it off! Seriously, even when I'm pushing this little sucker out it's staying on!''

He rubs the back of his neck, 'I've never bought a girl jewellery before so this is whole new territory.'

'Rocky James, you are just the sweetest!'

'Yeah, just don't go around telling everybody. I have a reputation to uphold.'

'I'm going to shout it from the rooftops!'

'Don't you dare!'

I giggle loudly as I open my arms and embrace him tightly, his hands instinctively reach out to stoke my hair, rubbing soothing patterns into my scalp. My stomach clenches when he peppers kisses on the top of my head.

'Oh no!' I cry out, 'I haven't got you anything, you keep being so nice to me and I'm such a shitty girlfriend. I haven't bought you a single gift since we've been together!'

He rolls his eyes before placing a hand on the top of my stomach, 'Sunshine, you've given me the greatest gift in the world.'

'Technically we went halves on that one.'

'That's actually a very good point.'

'So, the point still stands, I've not treated you too anything!'

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