Failed Hunting Practice

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"Hi Chief. Ready for my lesson." Copper says as he and Alexis run over to chief.

"Oh durn my hide. Playin' nursemaid to a couple of pups when I should be a-practicin' for the contest." Chief says grumpily.

"You're the best huntin' dog in the whole county." Alexis says as Chief smiles.

"Well I reckon it's true. I mean they don't give those fourth place prizes to just anybody." Chief says as he looks at the ribbon on his barrel.

"Oh there you are Copper. Good girl Alexis. At least I know Copper doesn't wander too far with you on his tail. We'll make a huntin' dog out of you yet. You'll catch up to Alexis soon enough. Here snuff this up. Now when this rabbit takes off you follow his scent. Then when you have him, let loose with a big ol' hound dog howl." Amos says as he gives Copper a makeshift bunny rabbit to sniff before Copper lets out a ear piercing high pitched howl.

"Ooh." Alexis says as she rubs her ears.

"I must be goin' deaf. I said howl." Amos says before Chief step on Copper's tail making copper yelp loudly in a howl causing Amos to step on his gun and shoot a branch.

"You're gonna lose your head one of these days Amos Slade." Tweed says as the branch falls on Amos.

"It's my head woman. Good boy. Okay Chief. Get goin'. What are you waitin' for? Go get him." Amos says as he ties to rabbit to Chief and sends Chief off as Copper stays put.

"Go Copper." Tod says in the distance.

"You can do it!" Alexis says as copper runs off with Alexis follow behind him before the two run into Tod.

"Tod? Oh I'm gettin' all turned around. I don't know what I'm doin'." Copper says discouragedly.

"And that's what we're here for. Just take a big sniff and look for the scent." Alexis says.

"When you smell him lift up your head and howl." Tod says.

"Like this?" Copper asks as he then sniffs Tod and begins howling.

"No Copper!" Alexis shouts.

"Not me!" Tod shouts worriedly.

"Uh-oh." Alexis says worriedly as the group sees Chief and Amos.

"Gotta go." Tod says as he runs off with Chief chasing him. After Tod gets away Amos then comes over angrily to Copper and Alexis.

"Bad dog Copper. You are a very bad dog. You as well girl. You have done very well in your training and know better. Bad girl. Bad dogs both of you." Amos says angrily as Alexis and Copper both hunker down whimpering.

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