Oh dear 7

67 1 0

Marco pov

By this time Gianella was back and now we were waiting for Giovanna

I was glaring straight ahead out the car window thinking how on earth we couldn't find them all these years, he came and said they are here now out of nowhere looks like god has other plans. something in me tells me to look away. 

there stood Ma- I mean Giovanna in a hurry. it looks like she was in a hurry and packed something. the place looks like she is in the kitchen. out of nowhere she look up. 

for the first time in this 1 hour I saw her with an expression other than cold, angry or blank. she was surprised and taken back. I stare at her with a questioning look as her eyes flashed with fear. 

I rolled down the car window to see her better even though I can't see very well because the kitchen window was closed. Her entire body stiffened and she looked back so quickly, it must have hurt.

I was curious and a little worried, so I got out of the car.

that's when I froze and without a second thought  I run into the Gomez house, it was terrifying  to hear the bloody screams of my sister.  for the first time on a long time it felt like like my heart will jump out of place at any moment. 

I hear dad and Xavier say Giovanna and Luna but I couldn't care less. my sister needed me

Ones I was in the house I looked around and saw a place that looks like a kitchen. I took out my gun and loaded it. I slowly walked into the kitchen with the loaded gun in hand and checked into the kitchen. 

It felt like my heart stopped and my breath hitched, and another scream from my sister echoed through the house. I winced and heard my dad do it too. 

my heart breaks at the event unfolding before me. my sister fought with herself and looked at me, dad and Xevier with pure fear. before she yelled "Don't,  go away!!". I tried to take a step forward but she started shaking more. while trying to protect himself with her hand over her ears.

What's wrong? 

I looked around and no one was here except the four of us, and the place looked harmless. Can she be hallu -no. "Alessia!!" I shouted and ran up to her, ignoring her panic

.dad yelled Giovanna and Xavier Luna. Xavier grabbed Alessia's feet as she waved them around, and father both her wrist as I shook her. 

I watched her every move, my focus was on her and I caught something,  her pupils were big, which they weren't as big as they were when we had an argument in the school "Sweetheart" 

Dad said as he saw her body shut down. "Marco take her up to the other car not the one we're driving right now, and put the gun away same goes for you Xavier." dad ordered 

I picked up my precious sister bridal style and rushed out, after putting my gun away of course. 

I didn't want to scare the life out of my poor little sister Gianella.

Later in the airplane

Third pov 

The tall muscular guy laid the unconscious thin girl on the bed in one of the the few rooms on the jet. 

"Tommy, Tommy" he boomed out

 "yes sir" rushed the guard "Where's Lena?!"

 "Boss, she was supposed to land here today, but she had another very important mission to do so she would come tomorrow. Therefore, Mr. Russo told us to leave Mrs. Giovanna here and later, take her directly to the family hospital." Said the guard with his hands back and his eyes on the ground. 

But Marco was neither happy nor satisfied with the answer. "What the hell it's 2 hours and 40 minuts plus to Rom!!!.

" Boss we can land on Milano, it's taket 2h and 10 minuts plus to there" 

"Good, then change the schedule to Milano  and contact dad and Xavier and tell them the changed schedule to them. also tell them I'm taking her to our penthouse in Milano. and will come home when everything is under control". 

"Yes boss"

Meanwhile. Another jet. . bold means they speak Italian

 "Dad, Tommy called and said the plane was changed and Marco's jet will land in Milano as it's  closer and saves time so Giovanna gets hospital treatment as quickly as possible. They're going straight to our penthouse and she'll be treated there. Marco also said that they will come home after everything is under control, when everything is fine with Giovanna." 

Tells Xavier with a blank face. the father exhaled anxiously across his face. he rubbed his face twice and said. "Sounds good, just update". he ordered, and get a yes father from his eldest son.

Way back homeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ