Chap2. Drugged

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I woke up feeling pain in every part of my body. not gonna lie but mostly in my abdomen.

I groan loudly in pain while trying to get up using my left hand which hurts less, I bet my right arm is broken and joins the left side of my rib. Crap. without my right hand I can't do much and stand up on my feets where like getting a painful blow on the cheeks. Damn.

but thank god i'm used to it. i mean i'm used to broken bones. especially my ribs, arms and sometimes fingers when dad went so far with his abuse that he broke my toe so badly I couldn't leave the basement at all for weeks.

but I have faith in dad and I know he does this because he missed mom so much. And me looking alike my mom didn't help him much, not as much as i thought though.

but I've always admired why he does all this. I'm tired of his pregnant mood his attitude towards me towards ALL OF US! . I start to hate him but the truth that he is my father always keeps me from hating him.

he said this was normal, all kids have that kind of bond with their dad. and all fathers had the right to abuse their children, and share physical contact with their children, all fathers had the right to do what my father did last night and all other nights. but i hate it. my body hates it. I feel disgusting. I feel unclean. who the hell comes up with such a rule or whatever it is. that is sick. Are all dads like that. If all dads are like that, I don't want one. Although I have one

today is Monday which means I have to go to school. nor like I will go to that hell. because I can't even stand up. but the thoughts of my sister make me change my choices and rethink. if i leave her it will be more shit for her. and I will not allow it. hell no.

with all the strength I could muster I push myself to my feet and let out a painful moan.

I could feel my body already demanding it even though my dad gave it to me last night. I feel a bit high but still my body demands it again. and my fingers start to tremble a little. Crap.

slowly but surely I made my way up to my room and managed to get to my room without anyone sitting me down which I was happy about. because I look like shit. wonder how i know? I have a large mirror in my room opposite my door. and trust me when I say I look like shit I really mean it.

My clothes completely torn. my shoes in my hands and my hoodie. my hair all over my face etc. my bra is half worn. the tank top protects a little anyway.

for which I am grateful

both black long and short streaks starting from my eye lashes down to my cheekbones. why?. Reasoned by my mascara. by the way, it was not waterproof as you read.

and my eyes were quite red, because I was a little high.


This is the definition of play stupid and win stupid games

but Damn I didn't win anything. which is sad

Way back homeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz