Chapter 8

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The next few days seemed to be a blur for the trio. They escaped Iron Ridge, making their way home. As injured and fearful as they were, they did their best to assist each other's injuries and stabilize the trauma they had just endured.

Dalilah was able to save their child with an ancient relic that held the ability to turn back time in small areas. In this case, she was able to turn back time for their child to be in a more stable situation before the events that caused the miscarriage. Although the child was saved, the process completely confused Verri’s body for a time, giving her a fever as it sorted itself out.

For the remainder of the pregnancy Dalilah ordered for Verri to stay in bed with frequent check ups and assistance from Laius. 

When Verri was finally stable and a few days had passed, Laius began to venture out in search of Rove. His lovable friend was not forgotten as Laius would go out almost every day in search of him. Although, with Laius not having a mount, going from Fogs Brook and the snowy peaks took most of the day away. To make it back to Fogs Brook with the sun still up to guide him, he had to make the sacrifice of a lengthy search and instead make small advances everyday. 

Months passed and Laius continued to come home empty handed. Each time Verri was slowly able to sway Laius’s mind from risking his life by constantly going out to the peaks and instead staying home where the village along with her needed him. She promised him that when the baby was born they would search for Rove together after she recovered.

Accepting the conditions, Laius put his search on hiatus. Instead he poured his time into improving their living situation and helping around the village as needed.

Soft wailing could be heard within the Guild as Dalilah carefully held a newborn baby.

“It’s a boy! Just as the leaves foretold!” She happily announced. Cleaning him and wrapping him up, she passed the newborn over to Laius to hold.

Laius held his child gently while the rest of his body was stiff as if he were being hunted by sabercats. He was afraid that any slight movement might harm or discomfort the baby after all that they’d endured. “I– After all this time… I can’t believe that he’s okay. I was so worried…” He was so happy he couldn’t help but smile. “He looks perfectly healthy.”

“Let me see him.” An exhausted Verri asked, looking over to get a good view of their child’s face.

He knelt beside Verri and lowered his arms to let her get a good look at him. “Are we still going with Valus?”

Verri smiled, “Valus is a perfect name for him.” She brushed a finger over the baby’s cheek. He was so small and delicate that she too feared that any quick movement or pressure would shatter him. It was surreal to finally have him right in front of her after grueling months of pregnancy.

The child seemed to have settled down from his fit and instead looked to his parents with curiosity. 

“Valus is in good health. Everything went smoothly after the relic turned back time and you recovered. Thank you for not disobeying me and the leaves by going out on adventures.” Dalilah couldn’t help but smile as she finished cleaning up the massacre of childbirth. 

She helped get Verri settled before getting her leaves out and tossing them in the air. As they fluttered down to the ground she watched their fall and noted the position they settled on when they hit the floor. Nodding, Dalilah took a moment to pick up the leaves one by one before addressing the new parents.

“The leaves tell me that your child will be healthy throughout his childhood and that he will grow up to fulfill a great task. Whatever that task is we may not know, but he will be strong and brave all the same.” 

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