"All right! Tori and Jade, you two are going to play husband and wife!" Sikowitz instructed, tying the baby bonnet around my head.

"I'll be the wife." Tori sighed, looking at Jade.

"Yeah, no kidding." She glared, standing up from her chair.

"Now, here's your brand new (your color hair)-headed baby." Sikowitz grinned, turning the rolley chair I sat in, towards them.

"Goo-Goo-Ga-Ga." I said, taking the ring pop out of my mouth before popping it back in. 

"Now!" Sikowitz exclaimed, looking at Tori and Jade as he clapped. "Your dialogue should all be friendly and happy, but your subtext is anger, so you must say your happy lines angrily."  He explained. "Action!" Getting in Jade's face, he yelled.

"Hey! I am so honkin' happy that we got married, and then had this cute little baby!" Tori yelled, gesturing at me. 

"Ditto to that!" Jade said roughly, before flicking her nose. "I tell ya this: Nothing on this planet warms my cockles more than lookin' at that magical pile a'baby right there!" She said, looking at me.

"Goo!" I exclaimed, after snatching my ring pop from my mouth.

"Aw! Did ya hear that goo?!" Tori asked, throwing up her hands as I put my ring pop back in my mouth.

"Excuse me," A voice said, as she and another woman walked into the classroom. Principal Helen. "I hate to interrupt but I'm gonna do it anyway." She nodded, "Hello children. Sikowitz." She said, her voice dropping an octave as she looked at him.

He stared at her, "Helen." 

"Well, I'm just stopping by all the classrooms to say hello, y'know, introduce myself personally, y'know, get a feel for the vibe of the school." She explained, eyes staying on Robbie after looking around the room. "Hmm, you see him?" She mumbled to the woman beside her, "That's the spazzy boy whose bike I ran over."

At least she can admit it.. now.

"Heh heh! Spazzy..." Rex chuckled, making Robbie look at him.

"So, Helen, maybe you'd like to tell the kids a little bit about your..."  Sikowitz stretched his neck uncomfortably. "Background." He finished, gesturing to the class.

"Oh! Glad to!" She exclaimed, "As a child I starred in the television program, Happy Times!" She grinned, nodding. 

"Oh my God!" Tori gasped, pointing at her. "You were the little girl who always said, 'That is not my job!'" She snapped her fingers.

"Ha ha ha!" Principal Helen laughed, "Yes, yes, I was. And most recently, I was the senior manager at the premiere movie theater in San Diego. Uh, is that child suckin' on a binky?" She asked, gesturing to me.

I took the ring pop out of mouth, holding it up. "It's a ring pop.." I laughed dryly, shrugging.

"Uh I was just teaching the kids about sub-text, in terms of acting." Sikowitz explained.

"Oh! Well, carry on then. I'll see you all at the re-auditions." She said, before turning around.


"What?!" We murmured, eyes nearly popping out our heads. 

"What do you mean re-auditions?" Robbie asked, turning in his seat as I stood up.

"To stay in this school. Next week, you gotta perform a scene, sing a song, do a dance, bang a drum, tickle a banjo... I don't care. Just show me some talent." She shook her head, listing off the options with her fingers. 

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