The chronicles of Narnia: The lion the witch and the wardrobe.

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Makers: Disney
Available:Disney +
My rating: 6/10
Official rating: 76%
Running time: 2h and 30min
Genre: Fantasy
Sub genre: Action and Historic
Age rating:PG
My age rating:8

Basic plot:
4 children in WW2 are being evacuated to the countryside to live with a professor. They find a wardrobe which takes them to the magical world of Narnia. They then have to fight the Ice Queen to save Narnia.

Sticks to the origional - the show does a good job of sticking to the book although they do make some parts more exaggerated. So if you like the book, go watch the film. However if you haven't read the book, you will still love the film if you are into fantasy.
Religious- as it stick to the origional the storyline contains a lot of bible references. This is because the original author wrote the book with his religion in mind.  It explores christianity a lot which makes the book and film more interesting.
Epic fight scene- the films expand on the fight scenes to please the audience more. This creates an epic scene, one of the most fasinating battle scenes I have ever seen. This however may be a bit unsuitable for the younger audience.
Plot- as you would guess the plot of this book is amazing. It is truely asthetic from the halls of the professors mansion, to the colourful world of Narnia.
Character archs- this show has two character that for me in this film stand out because of their character arch. Those two are Susan and Edmund. From Susans believer arch to Edmunds moral arch it gives the character depth and makes them likeable.
Villian- Tilda Swinton plays the Ice Queen and she does it amazingly. Just for her performance it is worth watching the film.

Children - some scenes may scare children so be careful. However if you have watched the show and think its fine I would recommend it for children as it has a slower story that won't make them go ballistic.
Following films- Disney had a problem with making the next films as the 4 main characters in the first are not main characters in the following this led them to only make 2 more. So if your looking for a series that lasts for the right amount of time this is not the one.

My brothers opinion:
My brother (5) loves this film and rewatched it a million times. He would then pretend to be a lion for the rest of the day. It really captured his imagination.

Hope you enjoyed. If there are any features you want me to add to the list please ask.
Thank you, Kia.

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