Chapter 6: Unexpected Changes [Part 1]

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"Mmm...." Whitley sturred in his sleep. His fingers twitched. Not long, his eyes opened as light entered them.

He then looked around his surroundings. He was still in the lab as he recognized the equipment near him. His body laid on the ground.

"....Am I alive?" Whitley thought as he sat up. He groaned as he felt his muscle were sore.

"Whitley...?" Dr Curt Conners's voice reached his ears as Whitley slowly sat up to look at him.

"....Did it work?" Whitley asked with a hesitant gaze. His eyes stared at Conners for confirmation.

Conners nodded with a smile. "Indeed it did. Congratulations on your recovery, Whitley."

With that, Whitley let out a sigh of relief and a smile filled with pride for himself. He had just dodged what was almost certain death for him.

He was absolutely going to pride himself of this accomplishment.

Staring at his hands, where there used to be colourful veins on them, now no longer had them after being injected with the serum.

"Thank you, Dr Conners. I couldn't have done any of this without you." Whitley said as he kept checking his body for any traces of dust veins.

Conners response to Whitley's thanks with a nod. "Your welcome. But, just to be sure. It's best we check your vitals."

"Huh? Oh yeah, it's probably is best we do." Whitley nodded in agreement as he stood up and walked up to a scanner.

The scanner scanned his body, scanning Whitley's condition. The data was then shown on a hologram as the two scientists looked at it.

"Incredible. Your body is rapidly healing far faster than ever before." Connors said.

"Yeah, although I'm not technically cured. The Dust in my body can't kill me faster than I can regenerate." Whitley said as he analyzed the hologram that showed his condition.

"Anyway...." Whitley turned to Connors. "I'm gonna go tell the news to my father now."

"Very well....but, if you don't mind. Can you spare me your time in the future? I'd like to work on a personal project with you than regards this." Conners looked towards the hologram then back at Whitley.

"Sure. I'll be glad to." Whitley shrugged as he walked out of the lab.


Jacques Schnee stared at Whitley Schnee whom he hasn't seen in weeks now. His youngest kin stood infront of his desk, completely healthy and with a smile on his face.

"Whitley? I thought the time I would hear of you would be someone announcing your death." Jacques stared at Whitley in confusion as to why Whitley looked like he didn't have a terminal disease.

"Well, father, I guess you could say I have overcome my unavoidable demise." Whitley said, a smile full of confidence and pride.


"Dr Conners had help me create a way for me to overcome the Dust poisoning. As of now, I won't be dying anytime soon to it." Jacques eyes widened as he heard that.

"That's great! Now, get back to working on your projects, son. Weeks have passed since you stopped working on them now." Jacques ordered Whitley.

Whitley looked at his father with a frown. "I just came back from a life and death situation."

"Yes, you have. Now get to work, son." Jacques said as he went back to his paperwork on his desk.

Whitley looked at him with annoyance in his eyes. He then sighed in resignation at his father's order. "Yes, father. I'll get to it."

"Good." Jacques dismissed Whitley without looking at him.


Whitley walked out of his father's office as he now walked through the Manor halls with an annoyed expression.

"What did I expect? I got better, back to work....What did I expect, he would order me to have a break away from working?" Whitley thought as he sighed.

"Master Whitley...?" The voice of the family butler, Klein Sieben was heard behind him.

Whitley turned around to see the butler looking at him shocked to see him in the manor.

"....Klein. Good to see you." Whitley said in a neutral tone.

"Yes, it's good to see you too, Master Whitley. I'm surprised to see you here. I haven't heard from you for weeks." Klein said.

"Well. I had a lot of work to do to cure myself." Whitley turned away from Klein. "And I still have a lot of work to do now."

Klein looked at Whitley concerned. "But you just got back. Surely, you have some time to spare to relax after what you've just been through?"

"Father's orders. I spent entire weeks on curing myself and curing myself only. My work had been put on hold and I have to make up for weeks of my absence on not working on them." Whitley shrugged. "Father's orders."

Klein sighed as he watched Whitley's retreating figure.

"Aren't you at least going to take a bath?"

Whitley froze at hearing that. The youngest Schnee then took a good look at himself, seeing he was still wearing the same clothes for weeks and not having showered or bathed for weeks as well.

"....I suppose I should take one." Whitley said as he retreated elsewhere in the manor to take a bath after not having one for so long.


"Ahh~" Whitley sighed in bliss as he felt his body submerged into bathtub filled with hot water.

"Weeks without any bath...." Whitley stretch his arms as he relaxed his body in the tub. "This feels satisfying after everything I just went through."

The relaxing water soothed his body. The quietness of just himself in the bath let his mind rest easy.

Not long, his eyes closed as he feel asleep.


Deep inside Whitley's body, Dust particles flowed through his blood stream. They made contact with the cells of Whitley's body, damaging the cells and causing damage to the body.

But as it did, the damaged cells began to repair the damaged cells the Dust particles had done.

This cycle repeated, cells damaged, cells repaired, repeat.

But soon, the cycle started to break. Now, the cells started to cluster around the Dust particles, covering them up and fusing with the cells.

Beyond that, Whitley's DNA soon made contact with the spider serum flowing through him. The serum slowly bonded with the cells and DNA of Whitley's body as it spread throughout it.

The DNA started to change, mutate.


Whitley slept in pure bliss, completely unaware of the changes that were slowly happening in and out of his body.

Fangs started to grow in his mouth.

Talons started to poke out of his finger tips.

His body glowed a multitude of colourful veins before disappearing.

___Chapter End___


Whitley's now about to wake up to a lot of changes his body is going through, aka, spider puberty.

Hope you enjoyed.

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