Chapter 5: The Serum

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"Ow..." Whitley's eyes twitched as he had a needle in his arm as it sucked his blood out.

"Apologies." Conners took out the needle as he put Whitley's blood into a container.

"No, it's fine. A needle is not going to be anything compared to what I'm going to feel from the Dust in me later." Whitley rubbed where the needle was in his arm.

Whitley watched as Conners placed his blood under a microscope. Whitley saw his blood was red but was mixed with a variety of different colours, that was definitely the Dust in his systems.

Conners took a look at his blood under the microscope.

"Whitley, the serum." Whitley nodded as he took a syringe that was laying on a table near him as he then injected the liquid into the blood container.

Conners watched the blood under the microscope as he observed the effects of the serum did to the Dust contaminated blood.

He watched as the serum merge with the blood cells as they then collided with the Dust particles.

Minutes passed as Conners stopped observing. Whitley immediately noticed Connors's frown.

"Back to the drawing board then." Whitley said as he stared at his Dust contaminated blood in the container underneath the microscope.

Conners nodded as Whitley sighed.

"There goes a week of my remaining time." Whitley said as he and Conners both went to look at a hologram showing their work for Whitley's cure.

The hologram currently showed a possum and its DNA and was also showing Whitley's DNA and condition. It also showed a bunch of other animals and creatures.

"The possum's ability to resist toxins is unsuccessful in resisting Dust." Connors stated.

Whitley thought as he stared at the hologram.

"If I can't make my body immune to the Dust..." Whitley then started to mess with the hologram.

Now, the hologram showed a lizard in place of the possum. It also showed several other different creatures which were labeled under 'healing factors'.

"We make it so that the Dust can't kill me fast enough." Whitley stated as he stared the hologram of the lizard and its DNA.

"The lizard. Able to regrow its tail in 60 days or so." Conners said as he then looked towards Whitley. "With some altercations, the regeneration could be sped up."

"Yes....although I'm a bit worried of any unwanted side effects." Whitley said as an image of him with a lizard tail appeared in his head.

"....Faunus racism?"

"Yup. That would be annoying to deal with...." Whitley then looked at the other creatures. "It's best we also look into other creatures as well."

"Yes, it would be quite ideal to do such." Conners said as he checked his watch. He frowned as he saw the time.

"Unfortunately, I need to get home."

"What?" Whitley looked at him.

"I need to get home for dinner with my wife and son. I wouldn't want to be late for it." Conners said looking at Whitley with a frown. "I'm sorry, well continue this tomorrow."

"No, no. It's fine. I can continue this on my own." Whitley said as he looked at Conners with an understanding look.

Conners nodded as he left Whitley there in the lab alone. Whitley continued to look through a bunch of animals and other lifeforms.

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