Chapter 1: A Dying Schnee

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"Doctor, tell me, how long do I have?"

A 15 year old Whitley Schnee whom had bloodshot red eyes, skin unhealthy pale than the usual Schnee pale skin, a few purple bluish veins visible below his skin.

The Schnee asked the doctor infront of him while he sat in his hospital bed.

The doctor frowned.

"I'm sorry, but the dust poisoning is too deep in your veins. I'm afraid you only have a week left, at best, a month or two if we unlock your aura." The doctor solemnly informed the young Schnee of his condition.

" there really no way to save me? Surgery? Can't aura heal me?" Whitley asked, desperation evident in his voice.

"The dust in your body is everywhere in your system, any attempt at removing it would kill you faster. And aura may give you time, but it won't remove all the dust in your veins."

Whitley slumped on his hospital bed, he put his hands on his face, trying to hide the fact he was starting to tear up from his eyes.

The doctor looked at the Schnee with pity, he was a young boy, and he was now on limited time and was facing an inevitable death.

"It's best you get your affairs in order. Call your family, spend whatever time you have left with them." The doctor said which caused Whitley to scoff at the idea.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts." The doctor left Whitley alone in his room as Whitley slouched on his hospital bed in thought.

"....Death by dust my grandfather." He chuckled at his morbit situation that had onced befallen on his ancestor.

He sighed as he looked at his scroll. He then went to his contacts, specifically, his family.

He looked at the numbers with a deadpan expression.

"....Might as well call and inform them. It's not like I have anything to lose if I do."

Whitley dialed Weiss's Scroll number as he waited for an answer.


[ Vale, Beacon Academy ]

In the dorm of team Rwby at Beacon Academy, Weiss Schnee was busy studying on her desk while her teammates behind her were doing their own thing.

Ruby and Yang were playing video games on their Scrolls while Blake was busy reading her book.

Suddenly, her Scroll which was on her dorm bed rang from someone calling. Both Ruby and Yang whom were the closest to Weiss's Scroll noticed this.

"Hey, Weiss, your Scroll's ringing." Ruby said as she took the Scroll, seeing the callers number and name that was labled on it.

"Who's calling?" Weiss asked not taking her eyes of her studying.

"Umm, Whitley? Should you answer this?" Ruby asked as Weiss turned to her partner who had her Scroll.

Weiss was a bit confused as to why Whitley was calling her. They honestly never have really called each other, not once have they ever did.

Weiss thought on if she should answer the call. In the end, she decided to ignore it.

"Ignore the call."

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