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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It's been almost two weeks since Harua and Aiko agreed to be friends. The boy kept visiting her every morning which also evolved into meeting her at night.

It was a night like that, with the crescent moon providing enough hue. The eighteen-year-olds sat on the cool yellowish sands of the Tsubasa shore, relishing sweet silence and darkness until Aiko decided to break it.

"Do you think I'm a good friend?"

Harua glowed under the moonlight as he turned over to her side. "Give me your hand," Aiko nodded unsurely and placed her palms into his soft ones. "If someone asks me who is the most important person in my life now, my answer would always be the same- Aiko. "

The girl laughed out loud articulating her contentment in her own way, Harua joined in with her, it almost became a habit for him to laugh whenever she did.

Soon both came to rest after laughing till their tummies hurt. Aiko smiled softly and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You know why I didn't want to be your friend?" She asked and responded right after as she was sure he yearned to figure it out.

"I let my only best friend die in front of me…I could have saved her but I didn't. It made me feel like I was not worth living…" Aiko continued after clasping his warm hands. "Shibuya was her name, she and I was the exact contrary in terms of character but she was the best person I could ask for as a friend. We were imperishable, until that day which wrecked everything. "

The wavy-haired girl felt her tears dripping down her blushed cheeks. Harua sensed that she was weeping by listening to her small sniffs. He quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his side.

"We skipped school and came to this very own beach to hang out. Before returning I liked to have some ice cream and Shibuya went to a snack bar just opposite the highway. I never thought anything would happen…she was just waving at me from the opposite side and just in a moment…I saw…I saw her bloodied body…her face entirely crushed…she was unrecognizable."

Aiko choked on her tears and the boy didn't waste any time tucking her into his tight embrace.  She sobbed into his shoulder wetting the fabric, while Harua was pushing to the limit to prevent his tears. He didn't know that he couldn't stand Aiko getting hurt.

"If I just went with her…I could have protected Shibuya…"

"It wasn't your fault Aiko. You did nothing wrong…you don't deserve to feel unworthy of yourself and I'm sure Shibuya doesn't want you to blame yourself." Harua countered as she nodded slowly trying to understand what he was implying.

"Let me see your heart, Aiko…let me know how much it aches."

Face of Aiko ■Harua■ &TEAMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن