I just stared at him for a second before running off towards our room.

"Hell yeah!" I screamed as I almost tripped before bursting into our room.

I dumped everything onto the floor, and started going through it all.

"Wait, why would someone get me a knife-?" I asked quietly, not expecting an answer, but..

"Not sure, maybe you need something better than a small box cutter." I heard Toby reply from behind me, and I just threw up a middle finger.

"I don't need a knife, I have my trusty box cutter." I muttered, before throwing it on the bed.

Soon I started putting everything in it's place, while smiling a bit to myself.

"Melanie Vinyl's and merch, best day ever~." I hummed while setting it up.

"You like it all?" Toby asked, and I turned around and just nodded.

"Great, well, get dressed and come down, there's food~." He sang, and I gave a thumbs up.


After setting everything up, I looked to see a bunch of clothing, including a outfit that looked like Regina's outfit from that one part in Mean Girls, just that it was a bit longer, which included a Santa hat.

I smirked and put it on quickly, leaving my mask, eyepatch, and boots on.

I snuck out of our room and before I got to the bottom of the stairs someone had already noticed me and started screeching.

"BLACK HEART LOOKS LIKE A WHO-" Was all they had time to say before Toby pretty much tackled them.

"Black Heart, what in the WORLD are you wearing?!" Toby yelled, and I just did a stupid pose.

"...I swear-" He mumbled under his breath, and I just ran down the rest of the stairs.

"I HEARD THERE WAS FOOD!" I screamed, and saw a smaller buffet than what my birthday one had.

"SUSTENANCE!!" I screeched before almost diving into the Christmas Oreos.


After getting a bunch of food, I saw that the others were already starting to put on the children's Christmas specials, and I just walked back to our room.

When I got there I saw Toby on his bed and I just walked over to mine.

"Don't wanna watch the specials too?"

I just started playing on my phone for what felt like ten minutes, but before I knew it, someone burst into our room.

"One, I'll deal with you later Toby, and two, Christmas dinner, come on!" I heard from in front of me, and I look up to see Jeff standing in the doorway.

"Not surprised it was you- But we're coming." I muttered, and Toby just gave him the middle finger as I stood up.

"Hey-, but yeah, c'mon."
"Alright, alright!"

Me and Toby followed Jeff and once we got to the table it looked like chaos.

Luckily there were two seats next to each other that were empty, and we both raced to them.

"Yeah, seats next to each other!" I exclaimed, and after a bit of silence we saw the whole dinner come out.

"Good lord..."

Soon after everyone got some, they started eating, and some started a food fight.

I just sat there in silence, eating my food.


After everyone was done eating, everyone went in different directions, me and Toby just went straight to our room.

"Today was honestly fun, even though I spent like half of it in our room, at least I got free shit!" I smiled while taking my stuff off, Toby looking away.

Toby didn't reply, but I just shrugged it off and once I got into my new nightgown, I tapped his shoulder.

"I'm bored." I muttered, and he just pulled me to his bed.

"I'm not doing any weird, freaky shit." I mumbled, and he just put my head in his lap and started playing with my hair.

I soon fell asleep, under the... Soft touch of this dumbass.

Do I.. Like him? No, no.

Let's just keep ignoring it, see how it goes.

...Yeah, let's ignore it.



(Sorry this is short, I'm tired, and I need to sleep, so goodnight, and Happy Holidays!~) -Clay

Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hellvision [Revision]Where stories live. Discover now