Not all Storys have happy endings..

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Richie's POV

I went to far this time..

But it's okay..

Maybe I won't make it..

Beverly Marsh, you better take care of my Spaghetti..

"Richie are you okay?"

"Yea Eds, I'm okay.."

He walk into the bathroom and I can hear his heart drop...

Eddie's POV

I walk into the bathroom to check on Richie, I mean what's the worse that could happen, we've had sex before.

But I walk in and he's laying in a pool of his own blood..

I see it coming from his wrist..

No Eddie.. you need to he strong.. for Richie..

"Eddie.. I'm sorry.."

No Richie.. don't leave me..


I call an ambulance and try to put pressure on the wound.. he passes out.. and I don't know what to do..

The ambulance gets there, but they won't let me come with him this time.

Losers Club🏳️‍🌈

Hey guys.. uhm, Richie's in the hospital.. he relapsed and he went to deep, the ambulance wouldn't let me go with him..

I'm right by the hospital, I'll meet you guys there??

I'll go there with Ben so he's not alone

I'll meet you three there?

I'll go there too, I mean, Richie's my best friend, I need to make sure he's okay

Alright I'll meet you guys there, Eddie I'll pick you up on my way there

Okay.. sounds good..

Beverly's POV
Damn it Tozier.. you promised..

I get to Eddie's house, and we rush to the hospital, fuck you speed limits..

We rush in and meet the other 4 and we beg to go see Richie.

We go to his room and he's not conscious... or breathing..


Eddie grabs my arm and just starts sobbing..

"I didn't know... I could have stopped him... it's all my fault.." he sobs

Stan walks over and grabs his hand

"Hey Eddie listen, it's not your fault, there's no way Richie meant to do this.. he's getting better.."

The doctors come in and rush us all out.

They try to save him.. but they can't..

But hey, not all storys have happy endings right?

Goodbye Richie, I'll take care of Eddie.. I promise.

His funeral was something I never thought I would attend. Eddie never feel in love with anyone else. In fact, he didn't even really love us anymore. The only person he ever truly loved was Richie. And he's gone now..

Eddie's POV
Goodbye my love. I wish it could have been different. We could have bought a house, a dog, gotten married, had kids, I even asked Bev to carry our kids, and she said she would. I had it all planned out.. I never thought you wouldn't be around for it..

After everything that's happend, I thought you'd be okay.. I thought you'd still be alive..

I love you Richie.

May you rest in piece..

-Eddie Kaspraks last words.

He didn't die, but he never spoke again. He couldn't. He lost the one person he truly cared about, and he didn't see a reason to talk anymore. He was depressed for years. He had trouble eating, trouble sleeping, he couldn't even fake a smile anymore. Jordan and Sophia knew he wasn't okay, but he couldn't talk to anyone.

He wrote in his diary, but all he could think about was Richie, and how if he was faster, maybe he wouldn't be gone.

Goodbye Richie.

All the losers miss you. 

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