Meet the Aunt and Uncle

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Richie's POV
Eddie gets to my house and wow he looks amazing, but it's definetly not gonna take long for them to realize Eddie's a homo.

We get to the restaurant Eddie's uncle told us to meet at and he texts them saying he's there

Eddie has no idea what these people look like, so we don't know who to look for.

"They said they're at the table in the back corner" Eddie says and we start walking over.

We get their and there's a woman, who looks about twenty, she short curly blond hair, about shoulder lengh and green eyes, sitting next to her is guy who also looks about twenty, with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey are you guys Eddie and Richie?" The girl asks

"Yeah that's us" Eddie answers

"Sorry we haven't really had a chance to introduce ourselves, we've been driving for 24 hours straight. But I'm Sophia, and this is my husband Jordan."

"It's okay lol, I'm Eddie and this is my boyfriend Richie"

Boyfriend...? I didn't think I'd say it so soon, but omg, he introduced me as his boyfriend, he's never done that before, granted we haven't met any new people so, he's never needed to.

Sophia looks at Eddie and starts to say something, but just doesn't and looks down.

"Nice to meet you guys, I was looking at houses and I found a 4 bedroom house, so I was thinking a room for me and Sophia, a room for each of you, and then a guest room incase either of you want to have friend over. Would that work?" Jordan asks

"Yeah that works, but normally us, and the losers club, that's what our friend group is called, have sleepovers with all 7 of us, would there be room for that?" Eddie asks

"There should be, I'm sure we could figure it out, now please, sit down, we need to get dinner and learn about eachother, I don't want two complete strangers living in our house" He smiles and we sit down next to eachother.

Sophia is just staring at the table until she finally says something.

"Sorry you guys, but I guess I just didn't think Sonia would be okay with you being... yk.. gay, I guess I was just worried about you Eddie"

"Oh my mom didn't know, me and Richie were dating in secret the whole time, the only people we told was our friend group"

"Oh good."

We order our food and just talk, the place we're at closes at 9, and it's already 8:50, we're all done eating, but we've been talking so long we lost track of time.

"Okay we better get going, we'll see you two tomorrow? We've already bought the house, so we just need to unpack" Jordan says as he leaves money for the food and gets up to leave.

"Okay, see you" Eddie says.

I walk Eddie to bevs house, and kiss him goodbye.

I walk the rest of the way to Stan's and when I get there I just lay down on the spare bed and fall asleep.

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