
"And who did you last have sex with?" Louis asks, changing the subject.

"Nick." Harry says, reluctantly.

Louis gives him a disgusted look but he doesn't say anything. He chooses to focus on the spliff that he's currently holding between his fingers instead.

"What do you have against Grimmy? You've never told me that, you just can't stand him and that's it. For no apparent reason."

"I'm not sure whether I should tell you this."

"Why not?"

"Because...I've never told anyone about this before." Louis says and Harry knows it must be something really important since Louis isn't one to miss an opportunity to bash someone he can't stand.

"Smoking weed makes it easier, c'mon."

"Alright. But you can't judge me or tell anyone."

"This is like fifth grade all over again." Harry laughs but then manages to keep a straight face while being high, so Louis can tell him.

"So...I'm in my first year of Uni right? Just escaped from home, I'm on my own, and I'm ready to try something new." Louis starts.

He's a good storyteller when he's high, Harry observes.

"And there's this party during rush week to recruit new pledges, so after I befriend Bryan, we decide to attend because why not? We've always wanted to be a part of a fraternity. So. We head over to the ABZ party, and I get drunk in like, the first hour."

"Of course you did." Harry says and then suddenly starts laughing way too hard.

"Jesus, you're really high. Anyway, back to my story. I'm drunk off my ass and Bryan is off somewhere with a girl, so I stumble into the kitchen, where Nick is chatting up some guy. I've never known someone gay until then, so I was really curious to see-"

"We're not like wild animals, Jesus." Harry laughs.

"Yeah but like...it was new to me. I don't know. Anyway, then Nick saw me and ditched the guy to come and flirt with me, obviously."

"Nick fucked you."

"Will you let me fucking finish?" Louis angrily says.

"Go on."

Harry takes the joint from Louis as he continues to tell his story.

"So he flirts with me, and mind you, I was really stupid and kind of blind back then, so of course I flirted back because I though he was attractive."

"Oh my God."

"We then danced together and one thing led to another, and then we were kissing." Louis continues, completely ignoring Harry's surprised expressions. "He took me up to his room and then he fucked me. Of course, I only remembered like half of it the next day, but he didn't remember anything. Or at least he claims not to. And when I asked if he didn't remember it because he was drunk, he said that he wasn't that drunk, but I wasn't something to remember really. Which, rude."

"Oh God!" Harry exclaims and laughs.


"I thought you hated him because he ditched you the next morning and you were like, in love with him."

"Ew, no! Nick Grimshaw is definitely not my type."

"Because he's a guy?"

You're An Asshole (But I Love You)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें