05| Well played yesterday

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The picture above is Cumars outfit

Cumar Xirsi Husseins Pov

I get into the school, and I'm greeted by almost everyone wanting to jump on me. The whole school is gathered at the front of the corridor and everyone is staring at me, I feel a little anxious but also a little weirded out. But I put my feelings aside and try not to show that I'm actually freaking out inside. 

I walk past everyone who is talking and many of the boys from the team come up to me and congratulate me. Dante says "Omar, you should have seen the face of that asshole Jaxton. When you score the last but decisive goal. I promise you he would explode hahaha hahaha," he says in a silly and happy tone.

He raises his hand and tries to give me a high five, I look at him and give it to him and say "I know man, Allahmdulliah because we won."Dante smiles at me and says "What did that mean again?", I notice that around me and the team, there is no longer any noise or anyone talking. They stare at me, expecting an answer. "It means praise to be to God," I say with a confident and explanatory tone.

"True man, you told me that too once." says Thomas and all the boys start saying "Yeah right". Once again all the boys fall silent and look behind me. I don't see what's behind me, but I turn because the faces of the boys tell me that someone wants to talk to me.

I turn and meet Avery's eyes, she smiles and says "Omar, well played yesterday, I'm proud of you and the whole team.". Avery looks at me and smiles once more, I smile back with a smile that is just nice and nothing more and says "Thank you". I look away and take my gaze away from her.

Avery is a very beautiful girl, I won't lie about that. The whole school talks about her beauty and she is very popular. I want to look at her as much as I want, but how dare I? How dare I defy my creator and look at a lady who is not Islamically mine? How dare I look at the future woman of another man?

My connection to Allah makes me see the value of women and that they are beautiful and caring and meant to protect. Because truly what is protected is more valuable than the one who guards it, right?

Avery brings out her hand and tries to put it on my shoulder, I jerk away like a reflex. I look at her and say "I can't touch you, you can't touch me. Haven't I told you that before?" I say this in a calm voice I try not to be harsh.

She looks up at me and says "Oh sorry, I completely forgot. You told me that last time. Well Omar, I better go now! I have math. I'll see you at lunch right?". Avery looks at me like she's expecting a yes, but I look at her and give her a smile.

"Avery, I won't see you for lunch. I'm going to pray, also go to the library to work." I say, when will she take the hint? She has asked me three times now. Despite everything I've said, Avery still says "I have to work with school too, maybe I should come?"

Sighing softly to myself, I look back at the boys and realize they are giving me a look that says "Take your chance now, say YES.".

"Avery I don't think it's so-" I'm about to finish before someone else speaks next to me. "Ayo Cumar, you were supposed to help me with my physics test, right?" says the voice.

Allahmudullillah, I recognize that voice. There is none other than Ahmed my ride or die or my best friend, or indeed my brother. Ya Allah, thank you for saving me from this torment here.

I immediately look at Ahmed and say "Yes, I had completely forgotten about it. Sorry, Avery!" I say as I look at her. I think she notices something fishy here, but she pretends nothing and says "It's going well, maybe next time Omar.!" I just smile at her and she moves on.

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