He likes it Cold

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It had been a week since you and Joyce's first date and you two had set up a second.

You both decided that a small date out at a park nearby would be magical.

But until then, you were still staying at the Byers' family home.

And earlier, Will had asked for a bath, so you and Joyce were starting it.

She turns the water on as you stand beside her.

As the tub fills up, she places her hand beneath the rushing water before yelling for Will, "Will! Your bath is ready, sweetheart!".

Steam rises from the bath as Will enters the bathroom.

He walks to the bath before turning and saying, "Mom. This is too hot.".

She reaches to the knob that changes the heat, "Oh, I'm sorry honey-".

But he cuts her off, saying in a monotone voice, "He likes it cold.".

She cocks her head at him, "Who?".

He just walks off down the hall.

Joyce looks up at you, confused.

She stands up before heading down the hall to his room, holding your hand the whole way there.

She gently knocks on his door, "Will?".

"Cold... Cold.... He likes it cold..." answers Will on the other side.

She opens the door before taking you inside.

There is Will, sitting on the edge of his bed, staring straight ahead.

Joyce and you cautiously sit down next to him.

"Who is he?" asks Joyce.

Will turns his attention slowly to his Mother before he answers, "The mind flayer. ".

She raises her eyebrows, "How do you know he likes it cold?".

"Because when it's warm it hurts. When it's cold he's happy." he replies.

"Where does it hurt, sweetie?" she asks.

"Everywhere." he replies.

Joyce looks to you before saying, "Turn the AC on, please, Y/N. I'll get Hopper to take us to Dr.Owens.".

You nod.

20 minutes later...

You had turned the AC on for Will, and eventually Hopper had come to drive you, Joyce, and Will down to the lab where a man named Dr.Owens was waiting.

And soon, you four arrive.

You all head inside before taking an elevator up a few floors to Dr.Owen's office.

Inside of the office, you meet the doctor.

He's a plump little man with white hair and a kind smile.

He asks Will to sit down on a hospital bed against the far wall of the room.

Will does as he asks and a nurse brings out a large tray with strange black blobs in it.

Dr.Owens asks Will all about the mind flayer and a bunch of other things before he attaches a heart monitor to his chest.

He signals something to the nurse.

The nurse brings out a large lighter before they edge the flame towards the blobs.

The strange black things are squirming as if they're alive.

And as the fire nears the blobs, Will begins to wiggle in the hospital bed.

The beeping of the monitor slowly increases.

Dr.Owens watches intently as the nurse brings the lighter even closer to the weird blobs.

As the fire licks the strange globs of something unknown, Will screeches, "Stop! Ah!! Stop it!".

Dr.Owens beckons for the nurse to stop.

They do.

He gives Will a break for a few seconds before allowing the nurse to burn the blobs.

As the flames singe the specimens, Will curls his hands into fists and screams.

His heart monitor beeps rapidly as the nurse keeps scorching the black things.

He yells for them to stop as Joyce says, "Will is hurting! He wants you to stop it! Dr.Owens!".

"Ms.Byers, give him a moment, we need to know how he reacts." replies the doctor.

Will screams again in agony, pulling against the restraints they had clasped onto his wrists and ankles.

Hopper grabs the nurse by their collar before yelling, "Stop it, goddamnit! Can't you see the kid's in pain!?".

The nurse drops the lighter nervously as Hopper pushes them away.

"Did you get your data, huh, Doc?" asks Hopper angrily.

Dr.Owens nods, "Now, Ms.Byers, and Mr.Hopper, Will is going to be fine, I know it's hard to witness but we need to see.".

"But!" he exclaims as Joyce frowns, "For today we have enough evidence to know that Will is very very connected to this new big bad. We don't know how but we can only assume it's from his time in the upside down. Fire hurts the source and the source hurts Will.".

"S-So what do we do now?" she asks.

You gently squeeze her hand in yours as he replies, "Well, in my opinion, just go home with Will. Keep him cool while we figure out how to kill this thing for good.".

She nods, "O-Okay. Can I have my baby back now?".

"Of course, Ms.Byers. Take him home. It'll be fine.".

"It'll be fine.".

Two Hearts (Joyce Byers x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now