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As you get in Joyce's car to head to work with her as you promised, she suggests, "So, how about a first date?".

You smile at her as she starts the car.

"Where are you thinkin'?" you ask.

She begins to drive as she replies, "Do you like ice cream?".

You nod.

"So, I was thinking that there's a place down at the mall the kids go to that serves damn good ice cream! How about it?" she proposes.

You can't help but beam in her direction.

She really wants to go on a date?

With you?

God, it's just an absolute dream come true!

"Of course, Joyce! When do you want to go?" you ask.

"How about tonight?" she responds.

You chuckle softly, "Of course. After your work shift we can go down there and have a little date!".

"Perfect!" she says, smiling as she arrives at the front of her general store she works at.

Her little blue vest with her little name tag on it is just so cute.

She holds your hand as she pushes the doors open.

You look down at your fingers, entwined with hers before whispering, "Aren't you afraid that someone will... see us like this?".

She shakes her head and chuckles, "I've dealt with my fair share of bullies. And there's no way I'm hiding my affection for you, sweetie. No way. You deserve better than that.".

You blush slightly as she brings you to the cash register.

"Would you restock these for me in the back of the store?" she asks, pointing to a small stack of items.

You nod, "Anything for you, Joyce.".

You grab all the things in your arms before heading down the aisle, searching for matching items.

First, you place a white, unlabeled coffee mug with the others in your hands before moving on to the next aisle.

You put a few picture frames filled with generic families on them onto a shelf.

Half of your load is already done.

Just as you're about to look for where to put your next bundle of things, you hear the glass doors open with a ring.

You ignore it until you recognize the chief's voice.

It's Hopper.

You peer out of the aisles curiously.

He's leaning against the counter towards Joyce, "Hey, Joyce. How's it goin'?".

You continue on with your stocking, but just trying to be more quiet this time.

You don't want to interrupt their conversation with any noise.

Gently, you place one clear spray bottle down next to it's own species just as you hear Hopper say, "So uh... I've been thinking and...".

He pauses.

"And...?" asks Joyce.

You slowly place a second bottle down on a shelf, listening closely.

"I... I really, really like you, Joyce... I have since high school... and I was just wondering if... you maybe wanna go out tonight? With me?" he proposes.

She sighs.

You stop placing things down.

You just hold the few remaining items as you listen.

"I'm sorry, Hop. I...I have plans." she says.

You lean to the left to watch their reactions.

Hop asks, "With who?".

"...Y/N..." she replies.

He smiles and laughs, "Well, I'm sure you can put a little friend hangout aside for a date, yes?".

She goes silent, "..."

She slightly raises her eyebrows at him.

"...What...?" he asks, not understanding what she's implying.

She sighs, "Y/N and I... we're not just friends anymore, Jim.".

He frowns for a moment before he looks at her in surprise.

"Oh... Oh! You and... Y/N? Are... together?" he asks, his eyes wide.

She nods, "We're girlfriends, Hop. I'm sorry.".

"No, no. It's fine, Joyce. As long as you're happy..." he murmurs before exiting the store as quickly as he can.

You place the items in your arms down before approaching Joyce at her counter.

"That didn't go too well, did it?" you comment, wrapping one arm around her.

She exhales, "No, not really.".

"But I appreciate you rejecting him for me, Joy." you whisper.

She smiles, "Of course, baby. You're mine now, and I'm gonna own it. No lies!".

"Aww!" you say before placing a gentle, loving kiss on her lips.

She reaches up to stroke your face, "Love you.".

You beam.

This is the first time she's said that.

"I love you... too, Joyce." you reply slowly as she pulls you in for another kiss.

You just can't wait for tonight.

Your first date!

With Joyce Byers!

Two Hearts (Joyce Byers x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now