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She ran through the empty corridors of hogwarts 5th floor, stopping at an unconspicious door, which she quickly pushed open.

The elixir had lost effect and if she wanted to save herself she'd have to act fast.

She quickly ripped open the shelves, pulling out a potion she filled into a pensieve.

She then searched for one particular memory inside her head, which she quickly added to the potion.

Afterwards she took a deep breath and casted the spell.

"Desine vitam, nam reditus exspecto."
(Stop my life, for I am to await his return.)

And with those words, she was completely pulled into the pensieve and the room of requirement became a secret once more.


Voldemort strode to the door of Godrics Hollow.

The distraction had been set, Lily and James had left Godrics Hollow and he had free reign.

Peter Pettigrew ran to open the door.
He'd been busy spouting curses at a Picture of his twin, a tall, thin man and had completely forgotten about his master.

"Are there any news of her?"

Voldemort's voice was cold, but held an underline of worry.

"No ones seen her, My Lord."

No further words where shared between them.

Pettigrew quickly left and the dark lord strode up to the childrens room.

Charlie and Harry Potter laid in a bed together. The twins where absolutely inseperable, screaming whenever the other wasn't with them.

Voldemort wasted no time pointing his wand at them and screaming the accursed words two times.

And two times it reflected.

Harry, in a moment of subconscious heroism, activated his accidental magic and repelled the curse on his Sister. The other was send back too and hit the dark lord straight in the chest.

As he died, out of pure, almost childish spite, Voldemort took Charlie away, as revenge on Harry.

He sent her far far away.

Leaving her at the doorstep of an all too familiar house.

No note.

No basket.

Just a Charm that would prevent anything and anyone from finding her until her eleventh birthday.

Because even Voldemort could not change Fate.

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