chapter 8

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After getting done with the awakening, Acht intended to go clean himself again since his body sweated a lot during the ceremony.

But, he remembered an important thing. "What about my gift?"

Gifts were basically the main form of manifestation of the soul force. This kind of energy couldn't be used in that form since it's very volatile and hard to control so the only way to use it is to turn it into fuel for other abilities. This is where gifts come into play. They give humans supernatural abilities in different forms.

Since the moment they were born, humans have a certain affinity toward an element of this world. Whether it was fire, water, wind, or wood. These examples of elements and many more create a certain bond with the individual and give him a small privilege of controlling that element to a degree.

So, for Acht to be able to use his powers, getting to know what his gift is, is of utmost importance.

"How should I discover it? Maybe I should try to use it and it will come out instinctively."

He then extended his hand and thought of his soul force. He felt the new thing that was moving inside his body as if it was blood and made it move towards his hand. He was able to easily control his soul force without even practicing.

The energy accumulated in his hand, creating a white hue around it. But, nothing else happened.

"Hmm?" He tried again and again with different gestures and poses and even muttered some words he thought could've been usable.

"It's useless...This is the farthest I could go without the help of an expert or a powerful awakener." He muttered.

He learned about this world, awakened his soul, and even understood how to control it to a certain degree. Was it not for his almost nonsensical talent, he would have not been able to do any of that alone.

Then, as he was pondering over what to do next, he heard a knock on the door. The sound was far away and almost too quiet to hear.

"Hmm?" He walked to the window to take a look. There, 6 men were standing in front of the main door of the house. They were all bulky, except for the one who was knocking who was rather on the leaner side.

"Lucas, You fat pig! Open the fucking door! Where is my money you fucker?!" The lean guy shouted with clear irritation.

Acht didn't have the time to deal with these maggots so he ignored them and walked away. 'They will leave when no one opens the door.' He thought.

But, he underestimated their tenacity. As soon as he reached the door of the library, he heard the man shout again.

"Nester, Blow this goddamn door open! I'm going to burn this place on that bastard's head."

His words made Acht sigh unconsciously, he didn't want to waste time on these men and he preferred not facing them. But, he will deal with them since they were eager for it.

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