Prologue, Part 004 : Welcome To The Villian's World

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You sat on the sofa in the lounge area, staring blankly at the cosmetic projection. In all your years, you'd never witnessed the stars come to a stand still. It was nearly impossible.

When Headmistress Griffin had run the exchange program between Alfea and Cloud Tower during your second year, you inquired her about such phenomenons.

The stars stop for no one, she had wisely said. Even for you, fairy of the evening star.


You turned to the staircase, Helia stepping down the staircase.

"Morning," You greeted.

"Morning," he sat down beside you,"How long have you been up?"

You looked back at the projection. "An hour or so,"

"I had that dream again," You whispered.

"The one where you destroy the cosmos?" He questioned.

"No," You swiped at the projection, on Domino,"The one where Valtor physically ripped the Evening Star from my soul. And.. I let him.. I let him take it,"

Helia rubbed your shoulder,"It was just a dream,"

"It felt more like a window to the future," You muttered.

"That's why I woke up," You swiped to Solaria,"To try and determine what the stars foretell about such events occurring. But nothing has changed! Which," You glowered,"Makes no fucking sense, because the stars stop for no one. Not me, you, Stella, Bloom, Valtor - anyone,,"

A loud crash resounded upstairs, making you and Helia look toward the staircase. Before you could ponder what had happened, Grim came dashing down the staircase.

"Fngahh!! Those blasted ghosts are back!!" He shrieked, jumping into Helia's arms.

Ghost A appeared, laughing,"Laze about to long, boy, and you'll never awake again,"

"Just like us~" Ghost B drawled.

Grim growled, shaking his paw at the ghosts,"Just you wait! We'll get rid ya eventually!"

"Be nice Grim," Helia spoke,"We are invading their space and they were here first. We have to be respectful,"

"Besides," You looked at the ghosts,"If you wanted to prank or kill us, you would've done so whilst we slept,"

"Well, like we said," Ghost B spoke,"It's been kinda lonely around this dorm,"

"Hm," Helia looked at you,"Maybe, we could reach an agreement?"

"Agreement?! With ghosts?!" Grim exclaimed.

"There's no need," Ghost A said.

"Hm," Ghost B nodded.

☆𝑫𝒆́𝒑𝒂𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕☆ (A TWST x Winx Club Crossover) [Temporary Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now