"It's the school in season three of American Horror Story." The words had barely left my mouth when she started to laugh at me. Without a word I waited for her giggles to settle, which took longer than I had expected. During that time, my headache started to grow worse. It was like someone was playing drums inside my head, while baking it in a pizza oven.

"And he believed it?", she asked between giggles. The laughter seemed to turn louder, almost too loud.

"Mhm", I only murmured before falling to the side. My head hit the nightstand and I could feel lukewarm soup spilling over my head. The sound of wings and a loud cry reached my ears just before I hit the floor. After that, I didn't remember much.

James' POV

I was eating breakfast with my family. We were all sitting together in our house in Godric's Hollow. That was when Hedwig II returned. She flew right into the kitchen window, making Lilly jump and Albus to spill his orange juice.

Before anyone else could react, I had already gotten up and opened the window. I could see Hedwig having a letter in her mouth and it excited me.

"Thanks for the breakfast", I yelled as I ran out of the room with the letter in my hand. I didn't want to read it infront of my family, it would only seem awkward. As I got inside my room I opened up the letter.


Something is terribly wrong with Amanda. Just minutes after reading your letter she fell unconscious and blue liquid started to drip out of her nose and ears. I have no idea what's going on and we need help! The ambulance brought her to The Royal London Hospital. Please hurry and get here with a solution. She won't wake up.


As soon as I had read the last word I was bolting down the stairs. I wasn't questioning anything. Not even the fact that she had been brought to a muggle hospital.

"Dad!", I yelled in distress. Everyone looked up from their breakfast looked up at me. Dad turned completely serious when he saw my troubled face.

"Something's wrong with Amanda. We have to help her!"

Amanda's POV

I had expected the first noise I heard to be the beeping of a heart monitor. It wasn't like in movies, when people didn't remember what had happened. I knew that I had passed out, and that I had spilt soup all over my head. That was why I had expected to be at a hospital. The only thing I could hear though was silent talking.

"We need to do something. The girl can't stay unprotected. If there are already people targeting her we can't leave her out in the open like that", an old woman's voice said. She sounded determined, but also upset.

"I know that, professor, and I completely agree", a voice I recognized said. I wasn't exactly sure who it was, but I knew that I had heard it.

"But she's a muggle. She can't go to Hogwarts, it's absurd!", another woman's voice said, one I didn't recognize at all.

"I make the decisions, and I say that she's going", said a man's voice. I didn't recognize his voice either.

"Good. Now, I think she has awakened", the old woman's voice said. I realized that they were talking about me and therefor I opened my eyes. Bright light hit my eyes, but I quickly adjusted to it. Five adults were standing around my bed. One of them was Harry Potter, James' father. There was a woman in black robes and a pointy hat. I had no idea who she was. There was a man with dark skin and blue robes beside Harry. All three of them looked quite content and calm. A red haired man stood on the other side of Harry, looking a bit out of place. A second woman stood beside the woman with a pointy hat. I recognized her after only a few seconds of looking at her.

"You're that lady from the cafe. You're the one I got the ticket from", I said without thinking. The others turned towards the lady.

"I have no idea what you're talking about", the lady said, clearly lying. I was about to throw a curse at her when the door to the room opened.

"Why did you not inform me that she was awake? All of you out. I need to check on my patient", the old lady demanded as she came through the door. Everyone except Harry and the red haired man looked like they wanted to argue. No one did, though, and I was left with the old lady.

"Excuse me, but where am I?", I asked politely. The room I was in only had a single bed and a nightstand in it. It looked quite empty and sad.

"You're at St. Mungos for Magical Maladies and Injuries." I gaped at her and then fell completely silent. I was at a magical Hospital!

I didn't say a word during the whole time that the lady checked on me.

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