Chapter Six: Rooftop Chats

Start from the beginning

Jiro sighed. 

Two things would keep you from being used or killed when you were homeless. It was the difference between living on the streets and running the streets. Respect and connections.

And Izuku had both—though they didn't know the connections bit, as he hardly interacted with anyone. But that was his choice. He didn't need to interact with the street crowd yet. He knew who was who, of course, and they knew him, but only enough to keep away. He had about six people who owed him favors, and that was enough for now.

Izuku had also been keeping an eye on his vigilante persona's online standing. He was blown away by the number of supporters he had across Japan. It wasn't just Musutafu or Hosu—not just the places he'd actually patrolled. It was everywhere. He even had people in other countries that were taking an interest in him!!

This Midoriya looked like he was about to pass out. 

Word had spread about how he helped people that the heroes couldn't—or wouldn't—reach. He vaguely recalled saving a very well-known Quirkless man from a mugging months ago, and he'd apparently written an entire article on the interaction. He strongly noted how Viridian had taken his Quirkless status with a smile and saved him anyways.

All Might looked proud. (DAD MIGHT! DAD MIGHT! DAD MIGHT!) 

Apparently, that earned him a lot of supporters globally—from people with weak Quirks or no Quirks. Normally, he wouldn't understand it, but this time, he did. Because he knew what that was like. He knew firsthand that there were some heroes that would turn around and walk away from a Quirkless person in need. He'd seen it.

Tskuchaui frowned. Maybe he needs to call a few friends. 

He'd lived it.

There was no way he'd ever turn his back on anyone. That's not who Viridian was. That's not who Izuku was. And that, he'd say, he was proud of.

"And that, my students is a true hero." Nezu said. 


Later that night Viridian sat on a rooftop at three in the morning, enjoying the night breeze as he calmed his nerves. In about four hours, he'd be seated down for his written exam. He was too nervous and excited to sleep, no matter what Keigo had said about resting up.

After all, the fate of the entire world was hinging on him actually getting in to U.A. this time. Izuku hoped he didn't blow it.

He'd been patrolling with Eraserhead nearly every night, and on the nights he wasn't patrolling with him, he went with a different hero (he enjoyed the patrols with Midnight, too, even if she'd loathed patrolling the South Side. Eraserhead had certainly been shocked at his ability to find trouble; he wasn't sure the man would ever let him patrol alone again). Tsukauchi made sure that nobody (especially Viridian) patrolled alone while Stain was still at large.

"I just a Problem Child." Midoriya smirked. 

"That you are." 

Some nights, Viridian spent his time with Tsukauchi and his team, helping them look over case files and pointing out things they'd missed or overlooked. Other nights, he patrolled with his favorite Underground Hero.

"Hey Midoriya. Who's your second favorite hero?" Kaminari asked. 

"It's Eraserhead." Midoriya mumbled under his breath. 

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