Happy Halloween Part Two

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Raelle could barely open her eyes and did not know where she was, but she knew she was in a building and was moving through a hallway. Raelle felt she was being carried bridal style and tried to look up at the person holding her. The person appeared to be a male troll that was tall and slender with green skin, yellow eyes, a large orange nose, and large gray horns. He wears short brown pants, a large brown cape, and a collar of metallic blades around his neck. Little did Raelle know that the person holding her was her teacher Strickler and that he was a changeling.

Strickler looked down at her with mixed emotions, and Raelle could tell one of those emotions was a concern for her or something else. Raelle tried reaching up to him, but her arm felt like it weighed a ton. Her arm fell and hung over the arm of the one holding her. Raelle looked at what they were going to and saw Bular, Nomura, NotEnrique, and the goblins. She realized that the troll carrying her must be a changeling. Raelle knew that she was in trouble and she was powerless. As they got closer, Raelle spotted a familiar structure: Kilahead Bridge. When they entered the room, the changeling placed Raelle on a stone slab before stepping back.

"Well done, impures," Bular said to the three changelings before approaching Raelle, "Now, let's see what knowledge we can obtain from the young Witcher. Impure, bring the selenite."

Strickler took out a translucent crystal before placing it on Raelle's forehead. The darkness soon consumed Raelle once again as her eyes glowed white. A translucent fog of dark purple smoke began to seep from Raelle and fill the air.

When Raelle woke up, she found herself back at the Greek temple. But there were no statues of previous Witchers or a way to leave the temple, instead, Raelle was surrounded by a fog of dark purple smoke. Raelle heard various female voices call her name and deep down knew they were her previous lives.

"What's going on?" Raelle asked.

Instead of receiving any answer, a memory from when she was younger appeared in the fog. Raelle stepped closer until a blinding white light caused her to close her eyes. When she opened them, Raelle was in the memory. The memory was one that Raelle would never forget because it was the day she was taken in by Barbara Lake.

Meanwhile, Bular, the changelings, and the goblins watched the memory play. Raelle was rummaging through the trash until the trash can fell over, causing a loud noise. The young Raelle tried to hide, but Barbara was outside with a broom and saw her.

"Oh. What are you doing here, sweetie? Where are your parents?" Barbara asked, lowering the broom and kneeling to Raelle.

"My parents are gone," Raelle answered, trying to fight her tears, "I don't have anyone else, and I was trying to find something to eat in your trash."

Barbara looked at the little girl in front of her with sadness before saying, "How about you come inside, and we can get you all cleaned up and a warm meal. And you can stay the night. How does that sound?"

"Thank you."

"Your welcome," Barbara smiled, "Now, let's get inside."

Barbara and young Raelle hold hands before going inside the house. Once inside, Raelle was introduced to Jim, Barbara's son, who was cooking dinner. The three bonded over dinner, and Barbara could tell how happy Raelle was. Jim, too.

The following morning Barbara told Raelle that she was going to adopt her. Within a matter of months, Barbara, Jim, and Raelle were at the courthouse, and the adoption was finalized. Before leaving, a picture was taken of the happy family.

"Why are we seeing this?" Bular questioned, "Seeing the past of this young Witcher has no significance. Her life holds no knowledge. How do we see the memories of the past Witchers?"

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